Learn How Machine Learn The Learning Process

Learn How Machine Learn The Learning Process


If the title of this article is difficult to understand, then I have some bad news for you, because in this article I will talk about the bots or algorithmic bots to be exact. Since the bots are always learning they are almost impossible to be copied or to be replicated, all they have as an identity is their purpose. The word learn here is used without many contexts, actually, these algorithmic bots need to be taught the simplest things, and this is incredibly complicated even though it sounds simple.


The best way to teach bots is to be taught by some other bot( a teacher bot, more ahead), consider this, a bot needs to distinguish between a banana and a pen. A human, even a kid can easily distinguish between the two but a bot simply cannot. So, we create a teacher bot which will teach other bots to distinguish between the two, and we give the teacher bot thousands of images of both bananas and pens and the answers to the question as well. The teacher bot will each of the bots to distinguish between the two.  

Digital Darwinism

The question will how the bots are different from each other that they will the difference between the two. For this we build a builder bot, when talking algorithm in the simplest words they are if, else statements. The builder bot will build million of these bots with various of codes, the groundwork for this code comes from the teacher bot, which has distinguished between the pen and banana, so teacher bot codes these differences. As the original code from the teacher bot has been changed, the bot with slight variations in codes come out as bots who are good and bad at distinguishing between the pen and the banana. The teacher bot actually just take tests, which bots are good and which are bad, the good are made better and the bad once are recycled. Here the survival of the fittest starts and in the end, we have a bot which is “good”(more ahead) at distinguishing between a pen and a banana. The number of tests is in the millions and the pictures of banana and pens are also in the millions as well, in the end, we get a bot which is good at distinguishing between a pen and banana from pictures it has never seen before. The bot needs to be improved by adding videos and non-standard pictures of the objects. So, where do the pictures and videos come from?

Teachers and Course Materials

Thank you for using Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and many other services “free” services. People usually give the videos and photos themselves, this means more tests for bots to learn from. Humans also sometimes play the role of teachers themselves, know the captchas that ask you to choose or click the images with cars, street signs, bus? We might be choosing answers for self-driving cars!! No one how machine learning works and even learns these things, the best we can do is to guide them. They are here, might as well make use of them. If you got this article on your feed, guess who to thank?  


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