Learn how to deal with difficult personalities and more
Yashica Lind
Leadership Development & Workforce Retention Strategist | High-Performance Coach | Specialized in Reducing Turnover, Strengthening Engagement, and Developing Resilient, High-Performing Healthcare Teams
After having some time off for the holidays, I'm ready to share with you some of the exciting things I have planned for us as we start off 2023. I'm passionate about helping you have your best year yet instead of saying this will be the year you make changes or put yourself first and then quit....
As a matter of fact, how are you doing? It's getting pretty close to statistically where most people give up.
The first thing I have coming up for you is a training to help you learn strategies on How to Lead/Manage Difficult Personalities. This is a totally free class inside of my new Leading in Healthcare FB group. Every month there is a free mini masterclass designed to help you tackle the biggest challenges you may face as a leader. All you have to do is join the group and mark your calendar for this upcoming training.
The other resource that I'm starting in 2023 is going live in the new group every Friday to share some knowledge, lessons, coaching, and more to help you get through the week a little easier. Our lesson on January 13 was all about How to Get on Track And Stay on Track For 2023. It was a great class full of gems and you can still catch the replay along with past lessons by joining the group.
Just to give you a recap of what we covered, I wanted to share some tips here to help:
Another change I made was that instead of releasing a new broadcast every M, W, F, I will now be releasing a main broadcast on Mondays called Mindset Monday. I believe that to perform at a high level, under all the chaos and stress, it's important that you learn the tools you need to align with the mindset principles of a high performing leader so every Monday I will be doing a broadcast on these principles. I decreased the volume of broadcasts for now because I want to have time to increase the quality of the broadcasts available.
These broadcasts go out here on LinkedIn but you can also find them on YouTube along with a playlist of past episodes.
I also upload all the broadcasts to podcasts in case that's easier to listen to them on the go. Just search for the Leading in Healthcare podcast on your favorite platform or follow this link.
Lastly, if you would like to work with me privately as your coach to help you improve your skills and confidence level, increase your work performance, improve your communication skills, and improve your relationships with others and yourself....
I do have some openings for private coaching. To have a chat to discuss if this is the right fit for you, book a into my calendar and let's talk about it here.
If you want to learn more about how I can help your organization with leadership workshops and training or need help optimizing your operations, you can also book in some time in my calendar by going here.