Learn how to cover yourself with God's glory that acts as a defence over your life
Carlos Dyer
volunteer security-minded writer & strategical think tank listener problem solver
Through the entrance of God's word, He brings forth light yet the light does not move about by itself when it comes forth through the Creator Glory is attached to it & within His Glory are all the ingredients to meet your needs also note when He speaks forth His word glory makes an appearance again as His Glory is fused with His Spirit & His Word as there one So whenever you are going to your destination you can ask Jesus Christ to cover you with His glory as a defence system over your entire being as in the times of the children of Israel when they were delivered out of the hands of the pharaoh the king of Egypt God the Father put a glory defence system in place to protect them as they went on their journey through the desert a cloud day and a pillar of fire by night & to this day and present time that same Glory defence is still in place as His people that are scattered across the world who have the distinctive understanding how to apply it do so day & night asking God the Father to cover them from the crown of their heads to the very soles of their feet & it is so in accordance to their faith in Him
So no matter what you are experiencing wherever you may be calling upon the Lord Thy God and saying where are you Lord I can't feel you understand He is always with you as He shall never leave you nor forsake you as the more experience you become with God feelings go out the window & u learn through the experience of your faithfulness & obedience as it gets you through the toughest of all situations circumstances & issues but continue to pray as prayer changes things as without prayer you cant have heavens help as angels only move by the instructions of God concerning your prayer life so don't seize from doing so no matter how hard it becomes As the righteous are as bold as lions so that means you have a distinctive measure of courage & boldness within the side of you to carry out the good exploits that you must do so always remember this the more of His word inside of you alongside your prayer life you shall be able to walk by faith & not sight to always stand in the power of God might