Learn from from your first role!
This week I have been speaking to a lot of candidates that are looking to for an entry-level role in their desired field, and some have had very little experience in the workforce. It got me thinking, entering the workforce for the first time is both exciting and terrifying. I remember my first job very well, and I also remember why I was fired, in all honesty at the time I didn’t care much, and I was just happy to get some money…
I am happy to say that my next job lasted quite a while and I learned some valuable lessons, some of these learnings will stay with you for the rest of your working life :)
1. Starting a new job is only the beginning - So you started your new job, great! Now you need to keep it! You have to learn people’s names, get used to your surroundings, and it is going to take time and effort to make yourself a valuable team member, be patient.
2. You are going to work with people that are not your friends – You will make friends and long-lasting connections, yes, but remember you are not at school. You will work with people that will not have the same interests or work in a different way that you do. Embrace it! You will not be everyones' best friend.
3. It is hard work – Yes, you are finally getting paid, but you have to earn it! Get used to repetitive tasks, admin and be ready for the challenges ahead.
4. Don’t be afraid, you will make mistakes – I remember making so many mistakes that I was just a nervous wreck. Yes, we do learn from our mistakes and sometimes you will take that lesson over and over, it happens.
5. People skills – I remember being ready to apply as much of what I had learned through my education, but I completely forgot about people skills. You have to deal with people at work - colleagues, bosses and customers. Who you are and what defines you as a person will go a long way in shaping your career, people skills are one of the most important skills you will need!
6. Every job will add value – There is a saying ”You are only as good as your last ….” Learn as much as you can in every job, you never know when those skills might come in handy. Every job is a life lesson.
Too often I meet people that are in a hurry to get to THE next job and sometimes they place little value in their previous roles if it doesn't align with their career goal. If you can articulate what you have learnt in every one of your roles, no matter how irrelevant you might think they are, you will be halfway into making a great impression and having a successful interview :)