Learn from those who've been there
SportsFaith Play of the day from the Ultimate Playbook!
Job 12:12 Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?...
With all the technology and fast paced information available within a second on multiple devices, we have become less wise. Back in the day they called it 'book smart', now I call it 'gadget dumb'. We rely on smart phones and smart tvs to make it through the day, but if we get stuck in the middle of nowhere with no service the majority of our population would be sunk until an old man with a 'dumb' pickup or 'ugly' tractor came to the rescue. We have decades of practical intelligence and wisdom that doesn't require 'google' or wifi to access. Take time to learn from those who have been there already. It may cost a cup of coffee and your time, but the investment will be priceless. Learn from those who've been there and have a blessed day!