Learn from real editors and journalists to write for top-tier publications (May 10th and May 17th, 2023)
Hi there!
Are you interested in getting your expertise, project, and product written in top-tier publications such as Forbes, HBR, and Fortune as a non-journalist?
Or perhaps more niche but well-known websites that suit your work even better?
Here's the good news: you don't have to wait to be picked as a creator, entrepreneur, or business. YOU can write for these publications. You just need to know how to go about it the right way.
More good news: if you aren't comfortable writing for these publications or prefer to work with a ghostwriter, that is also an option.
I have organized a two-part workshop series (on Zoom) with real editors and journalists from the industry to show you everything you need to know on May 10th and May 17th at 7pm -8:30pm EST.
Meet your instructors
The first session on May 10th will answer all your basic questions and beyond. You will have the opportunity to practice and improve your media pitch.
The second session on May 17th will review your pitch and your fully written article (if available) on paper with our instructors.
The two sessions build on each other, but you can absolutely choose to join one of them if it's better for you. The detailed agenda is here on our workshop page.
When purchasing both sessions together, you will receive 10% off for the second purchase.
Both sessions will be held on Zoom so you can join anywhere in the world. The recording will also be available to attendees after the live sessions.
These sessions are small groups by design. With only 8 spots available for each workshop, you are able to engage with our instructors at a deeper level, ask questions, and make the most of this rare and invaluable experience.
To learn more, please visit: https://academy.feisworld.com/workshops
If you know someone who may be interested, I'd appreciate it if you can forward this email to them.
As always, if there are any questions, please comment below or email [email protected] and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
So excited and hope to see you there,