Learn From Good to Great: How Performance Management Can Elevate Your Top Talent:
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Learn From Good to Great: How Performance Management Can Elevate Your Top Talent:

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Everyone is keen to get into a highly performed top talent ring in a career. Every industry looks for a top talented candidate. That’s why top tier institutes in various fields such as Engineering, Medical, Law, Master of Business Administration etc do attract top tier industries for hiring.

But the most challenging institutes are 2 tier and 3 tire institutes who produce major chunk of graduates who face tough competitions. Though the top talented are well positioned, but the next level of graduates are the talk of their performance.

To fill such vast gap and get them looped in the better performing area, lot many efforts and dedications must be implemented.

What is the percentage of top performers in the industry?

This question has a no definite answer. The reason behind top performers varies with several factors such as

  • Industry Definition:?Performance metrics and expectations differ significantly across industries. What defines a top salesperson in retail might not apply to a top software engineer or other engineering industries etc. Each industry has its own performance metrics and expectations.

People and their occupations vary at various walks of life. They work at various industries such as engineering, medical, law, accountancy, business, entrepreneurs, logistics, marine, govt jobs, marine, military, navy, sports academy, retail, consumer industries etc. Their performance metrics and expectations differ significantly. There won’t be any comparison and some balancing of performance occurrence could happen occasionally. However, the measuring yardstick won’t prove to help. Each industry has its own significance of performance metrics. ???

  • Organizational Context:?Companies within the same industry can have diverse cultures, goals, and talent pools, leading to different standards for "top performance." The diverse cultures play a key role in strengthening the performance of employees. The leaders who are good in bringing new products and solution thereby multiplying the business volume in industries may not have a strong fort in cultural diversity and its implementation.?

The news about Google and its CEO leadership talent is under discussion at the news and click the link below to know more.?You are requested to read, absorb, and review certain points. I leave the inference to the readers.

  • Subjectivity:?Identifying top performers often involves subjective assessments of skills, contributions, and potential, making it difficult to establish a universal metric.

One of the biggest hurdles in identifying top performers is the inherent subjectivity involved in the process. Unlike some tasks with clearly defined outcomes (e.g., number of widgets produced), performance evaluation often relies on judgments and interpretations, making it difficult to set up a single, universally accepted metric for "top performer." Here's why this subjectivity poses a challenge:

  • Skills and Contributions:?What constitutes a valuable skill or contribution can vary depending on the evaluator's perspective and priorities. A manager might prioritize strong communication, while another might value technical expertise more. This lack of standardized measures makes identifying top performers inconsistent.

Above description talks about what manager prioritize his skills and contribution while his subordinates may think about their technical ability. However, the real synchronization is missing to find top performers.

  • Potential:?Assessing someone's potential for future growth involves a significant subjective part. While past performance offers some guidance, factors like adaptability, learning agility, and initiative are harder to quantify objectively.

This can lead to overlooking high-potential individuals who haven't yet reached their peak performance.

  • Bias:?Unconscious biases can creep into the evaluation process, skewing judgments in favour of individuals who share similar backgrounds or personalities as the evaluator. This can lead to overlooking qualified candidates or underestimating the potential of individuals who don't "fit the mold."

Mitigating the Impact of Subjectivity:

???????? The subjectivity needs a thorough clarity for oneself. Several strategies can help minimize the impact of subjectivity:

  • Clearly defined performance criteria:?Setting up clear and objective measures for key skills and behaviors helps guide evaluations and reduces room for personal interpretation.

What is the purpose of setting the performance criteria. The tangible key skills and behaviours ensure the evaluation criteria and always important for personal interpretation.

The dominance of personal interpretation should be avoided as it creates a conflict. The balanced measures should be practised.??

  • Multiple evaluators:?Using a 360-degree feedback approach that incorporates perspectives from peers, superiors, and sometimes even subordinates can offer a more well-rounded assessment and mitigate individual biases.

360-degree feedback is a performance evaluation tool that gathers feedback on an individual's work performance from a variety of perspectives. Unlike traditional top-down reviews, it paints a more comprehensive picture by incorporating viewpoints from multiple stakeholders.

Here's how it works:

  1. Selection of Raters:?The employee themself, their manager, colleagues, and sometimes even clients or customers are chosen to provide feedback.
  2. Feedback Instrument:?A standardized questionnaire or survey is used to collect anonymous feedback on specific skills, behaviors, and contributions.
  3. Data Analysis and Feedback Session:?The feedback is collected and anonymized, allowing the employee to see a composite picture of their strengths and weaknesses from different angles. A one-on-one session with a manager or HR representative can help the employee analyze the feedback and create an action plan for improvement.

  • Standardized rating scales:?Implementing standardized rating scales with clear definitions for each level can provide a more consistent framework for evaluating performance.
  • Focus on observable behaviors:?Shifting the focus from subjective qualities to observable behaviors that contribute to success helps ground evaluations in objective evidence.

As per my understanding, there are so many data and evaluation criteria techniques used in corporate companies and most of which can’t be applied thoroughly to every employee. Then why it is not reviewed before applying it. It creates a large gap in nurturing the best performers.

While subjectivity will always be a factor in performance evaluations, by employing the strategies mentioned above, organizations can create a more fair, consistent, and data-driven approach to finding their top performers. This allows them to make informed decisions about talent allocation, development opportunities, and ultimately, drive organizational success.

While discussing the subject, let me refresh the quote of J.D. Rockefeller:

“Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great”.

-??????? ?John D. Rockefeller

The above thought process won’t come in the minds of leaders easily. They do have a scary mentality of nurturing their subordinates. That fall back gap every leader should realize it.

It is traditionally occurring habit of every person who grows in the industry. This black dot should be realized and erased.??

There are many good things to take a person for the great. For such things to happen, the mind needs a better understanding of oneself and clear all trashes in the mind.

The clear mind and heart make a person to realize the hidden asset in him. This creates a real value and thereby worth of a person could be proved.?

Let’s get the definition of Efficient Performance Management System:?

What is efficient performance management system?

An efficient performance management system can be defined as a structured and ongoing process that helps both individuals and organizations achieve their desired outcomes.

It aims to

  • Improve individual performance:??????????????????????????????????????????????? By setting clear goals, providing regular feedback, and offering development opportunities fairly and openly, employees can continuously grow and improve their skills, knowledge, and effectiveness. Never draw a hidden line of red to curtail the growth of employees. It becomes a sin of not seen now, but at the latter stage, you will feel for such mistakes.

A space to be given to every individual who feels his inner strength and energy to face any challenge while doing his activities. A mind needs to be freed from distractions of superior’s aggression and only instructional command.

Here, a space needs to be given means, a person should be given a freedom of thinking and expressing himself about what he thinks and feels. Individual performance can’t be allowed as tangled as it won’t produce an independent and progressive result. ?????

  • Align individual goals with organizational objectives:??????? When individual goals are aligned with the organization's strategic direction, everyone works towards the same objectives, contributing to overall success.

How would you align individual goals? First, a person has a free mind to think and bring a picture of clarity. Then to understand organizational objectives in a clear way rather than half understood. What I mean is, understanding becomes easy when it is applied in simple, readable, and understandable pattern. ?

It shouldn’t be like seeing an English movie by clapping or laughing by watching what others are doing. The purpose of understanding of every action should be distinctly realized and acted upon its real strength.?

  • Make informed decisions:????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Data collected through the performance management process can be used to make informed decisions about training, promotions, resource allocation, and other critical areas.

It is needed to set up a seamless system to look at those critical areas for training needs and resource allocation to augment the employees’ performance.

The data collection shouldn’t become a formality wherein no associated activities are set up. Seeing is believing as real growth covers a tangible endorsement to bring the results of employees.

  • Enhance communication and collaboration:?????????????????????????? Open communication and feedback create a more positive and collaborative work environment, leading to stronger relationships and better teamwork.

I am doubtful how many companies are open for fairness in dealing with employees? There are any hidden lines drawn and the negative side of leaders review towards their subordinates are not well informed in a methodical way.?

When an employee loses a job, then he may not know the real reason for losing his position. Open and fair communication and real feedback encourages a highly enthusiastic and positive work environment.

  • Increase employee engagement and motivation:???????????????????? Feeling valued, recognized, and supported with development opportunities contributes to higher employee engagement and motivation, leading to improved productivity and satisfaction.

Every person is having feelings and emotions to vent out and reestablish his energy. Recharging oneself through a proper breathing, meditation, prayers, and meditations bring back a person from feelings of setback to an impactful realization. Higher the potent of oneself, lesser the influence of ill feelings.

It is always better to be open in what you feel about your subordinates and set right the nuances across the table. Mind to mind connection is important if you want to elevate yourself as a boss to a super boss.

The real engagement with employees is important to see a real function happening in place and they would also dedicate wholeheartedly to their tasks assigned.

The work becomes productive when it is delegated with a mindfulness to your subordinates. They should feel a reality of boss mindful engagement and encourages them to deliver faster and more efficiently too.?? ??

You should set the motivation in order so that it brings an insightful ingredient. It happens when mind and feelings are synchronized. The real engagement and mindful motivations are the key ingredients to set a floor in a balanced way.?

Efficiency here refers to achieving these goals effectively while optimizing time, resources, and effort. The effective efficiency can’t be undermined. It sets a real flow and drive a massive, enlightened mind to do the tasks and perform. ?

The definition of "efficient" can vary depending on the specific context. For some, it might emphasize quick and streamlined processes, while others might prioritize thoroughness and detailed feedback. Ultimately, the most efficient performance management system is one that achieves its desired outcomes while minimizing wasted time and resources.

Though there are so many techniques and tools being applied for evaluating top performers, you are more matured enough to understand those in a broader perspectives and sharper insights on a wider range of challenges.

You have significant work experiences and educational qualifications, which will help you in your research while looking out for better way of nurturing yourself. You are probably a part of a stronger and broader network of professionals, which you can use for your further growth.

You have learnt by now from your past mistakes and understand its impact. This is very important for a personal growth platform. It helps to be probably more pragmatic and less emotional by now.???

If you hire Michelangelo who lived between 1508 and 1512 to paint the Sistine Chapel, then don't hold his hand while painting. Then it becomes a cornerstone work of High Renaissance art. Being a boss, you hire a best talent; if not, nurture him to become a best talent and leave the rest to prove his worth.

The subordinates you nurture should not bring problems, rather they should bring solutions; if not, recommend next best steps to inspire you. Then you are proved your worth in transforming the team. They become your best of best.

I will come back with articles related to this topic, but in different perspective. I appreciate in receiving your valuable comments and suggestions too.


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