Learn From Everyone, Follow No One.
Learning is a continuous process. From an infant trying to make others understand what he wants to an adult learning at different phases of his life, it keeps on growing through various means. People often tend to pick up things, habits, nature, and ideas from other people which results in imitating them for the good, but they often forget how to be unique in their way.
Uniqueness is an important aspect of growth and development. Each and every one of us should learn from each and every bit of life and experiences but should probably not try to follow any one of those but look up to what we are capable of, what we can do to be the best version of ourselves.
Life never stops teaching, so learning never goes away from anyone, be it a student having the best resources for utilizing or be it a kid with the limited amount of resources for his growth. Everyone learns in their own way and have their own room of understanding through their own personal experience.
Someone might feel like an idol or a role model for you through your journey towards what you want to achieve, you might see them as the one you want to be one day and think that their actions might be useful for you but you cannot blindly go with the faith that if you do exactly what they did you would be at their place too. You should create yourself according to what you have and what you think of having in future, not by just doing what others did.
Each and every person in your life will make you learn something, you should learn something through your experiences, through your mistakes, through your deeds and follow what your heart and mind say, not what made the other one successful.