LEARN FLOW - Struggle
Clay Green
Learn and implement the secrets of successful leaders. Are you in a..., starting a..., or do you WANT - a transition? **I support the US Constitution as a Veteran, and I stand WITH Ukraine. Can't be 'normal' these days.
Let's Focus On The Stages Of Flow - What is the first of the 4 stages of flow?
Struggle / Release / State of Flow / Recovery
Struggle -
The definition of the Struggle stage is described as:
“...when you’re working hard, pushing to train, research, brainstorm – when you’re overloading the brain with information until it feels like your head is about to explode.”
Another explanation:
“...the overwhelming part of the cycle, where the challenge is difficult and your brain is working hard to form new connections and make associations with an overload of information. It’s likely you aren’t making much progress at this point, and it’s frustrating.”
After understanding the stages of flow, triggers of flow, and training hundreds of entrepreneurs about this epic tool - I’ve realized something:
“The Struggle stage doesn’t have to be a struggle!”
This is a pretty foreign concept to many experts that enjoy the state of flow daily.
One blogger described it this way: “Most people never push past this first stage far enough, why is why they constantly miss the doorway to the flow experience.”
While MOST enter the state of flow through this ‘normally closed, and bolted’ door - there IS another way.
Familiarity with the 4 stages, understanding the 17 triggers, and most importantly - learning what the most effective triggers and practices for YOU are, is the path to making YOUR ‘struggle phase’ not only “not a struggle” - but flat out ENJOYABLE!
Learn more and apply for the next training session here: https://bit.ly/FocusedFlow