Learn English language typing  in 10days

Learn English language typing in 10days

 Hi guys & welcome to the course my name is ian stables

author of more than 50 books on amazon kindle

if you learn and practice everything in this course

you will be able to complete any typing task

in far less time it will be a skill that you will have for life this will be

good for you in your job most jobs and companies these days use computers

and if you can do your typing in less time that's going to be more productive

for you also if you're a student naturally

there's a lot of written work for students so that will speed up that

for you if you're an author as i am and write books yourself you will be

able to find that you complete your books in far less

time by learning to type

so what do most people do when they type most people just use two fingers well i

say most people lots of people probably i'm right actually most people

but you know how does that compare with touch typing

why should you learn touch typing well think about it

when you use two fingers that's two fingers when you touch type is eight

fingers plus when you touch when you're using

two fingers quite likely you're looking on the

keyboard trying to find where all the keys are

and that's not only distracting for you from your work that's going to take a

lot longer than it is if you can look up at the screen or look

where it is you want and you need to look at

and you just type away using your eight fingers

on the keyboard

so how is this course going to teach you touch typing well it's actually an

optimized way of learning and this is essentially

based on the latest research on skill learning and so this course is

based on that and it's essentially easy to follow

steps all you've got to do is learn and apply and practice

so let's have a look at how the course is structured and

how you're going to progress through and what you're going to learn as well

so firstly you know we're going to just look at

the keyboard you know where the keys are and then we're going to go on to

the most important keys these are called the home keys

and also i'm going to show you uh how to always make sure your hands are on those

keys and with that that's without looking at the keyboard

so you better do it without looking down and then we'll also talk about which

fingers are used for what keys on the keyboard let me be

looking at how you need to practice so remember

this is based on an optimized way of um practicing your skill learning it's

based on research so it works and i've tested it myself and it really

does work so i've created this course on typing based

on that same principle so i'll be showing

you what you need to do so that you can practice and get the

fastest results with accuracy so essentially how long

you need to practice for i'll be showing you the accelerator tip

i call it an accelerated tip because it really

does accelerate your practice just by doing this simple thing

uh it really does i'll be talking to you about that as well

then you need to know how to practice so i'm actually giving you drills to

practice on but first you need to understand

what you should do to practice properly with that said then once you understand

those things then we'll be moving on to the actual

practice sessions so you know we start with the most

important keys the home keys and in here you'll find uh i'm going to

talk about each pair of keys at a time and quickly

demonstrate where you would need to put those and

then how you would practice and after the home keys we'll move on to

the other keys as well so you know the top row the

bottom row as well after that at the end of these

sections as well i'll be giving you downloadable practice

sheets so you'll find at the end of the each of these sections um there will be

a short video and then how to get those practice

sheets to practice with after you've got the letters practiced

because that's what we're doing here letters

then we'll be learning the numbers so of course actually in most typing

tasks you won't be doing a lot of numbers unless you're doing data entry

uh however you know there will be times where you need to type numbers

so again if you can do that without looking down at the keyboard every time

you're going to save a lot of time so we talk you know giving you again

drills to learn all the numbers on the top row on your keyboard and

again there's a practice sheet at the end of that section so you can practice

that as well okay after the numbers we'll be talking about three important

keys and how to practice those so essentially

there's going to be capital letters okay that's one of the keys that you'll be

learning in this part and i'll be showing you the

really easy way to learn and be able to practice typing

capitals letters without again looking at your

keyboard because that's what all what's what touch typing is about and

when we've done all of that and you practice and learn all the keys and you

can do everything by this time you'll be able to type all

the keys and numbers without looking at your keyboard

and then we'll be talking about how you it go on to improve

your speed so that's essentially what it is

so you know get into the course and learn it uh follow the drills

remember you must practice there's no point in just watching the course

and then expecting results um you know it's a skill

it's like driving a car it's no point learning how to drive a car you need to

actually get in the car and it's the same with typing it's like

everything else and the more you do it the better it yeah you will be in the

faster you will be okay now i really do want you to admit i

want to make sure that you really do learn this skill so if there's any

questions or anything you're struggling a little bit with or anything

like that on the dashboard you'll notice here

there's a q in a section just click on that and you can add a

question here and now what is i will respond i may not

be straight away unless i'm on my computer at the time

but as soon as i check my questions if i see

that you put a question in there i will respond as quick as i possibly can

now what i'd like to add here as well hopefully i've done this course i've got

spent a lot of time on this course making sure that it is

designed to give you the best results possible

if however there there's something that you think could be improved or you'd

like something added to the course something

extra you know please let me know about it by

popping a question here in the q a section in the course and i'll get back

to you if you like the course as well you know

it'd be lovely if you could just leave a review it doesn't need to be

you know a lot of words just a few words will do and

just let everybody else know that you've also enjoyed the course

um now it's up to you when if and when you do that review

i probably suggest though you wait until you get to the end of the course

before you leave your review because then you will know

you know you would have seen the whole course okay so

with that let's get on with the first lecture

Archana Jaiswal?

Graphic designer | Web designer | Business Logo Design| work from home jobs

4 年
Archana Jaiswal?

Graphic designer | Web designer | Business Logo Design| work from home jobs

4 年

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