Learn English for IELTS
English Learning (especially for IELTS)
Guys who attended Bengali medium schools find it extremely difficult to learn the English that can help them score high marks in IELTS (International English Language Testing Scheme) that tests proficiency at English of international standard.
The main reason is English is taught in these schools for more than ten years in a totally wrong method. Under government directive Oxford and Cambridge jointly undertook a project spanning a number of years to find out why adult immigrants in England take years to gain a workable proficiency at English. The findings from exhaustive studies of samples of immigrants led to the discovery of a novel method to teach English to a workable level in a few months rather than years.
The findings were simplified to two sentences. Listening is the foundation of speaking. The more you listen to English (spoken by the British) attentively before embarking on speaking (with your mouth shut) the faster you will learn to speak correctly and comfortably with correct pronunciation and accent.
And reading is the foundation of writing. Th more you read stories, articles etc written by the British the faster you will learn to write correctly.
To learn more call me Mohammed Shakil at 01559504023.