Learn Chinese with Daily Headline, Wednesday 7 Dec 2022
Catherine Hua Xiang
Cross-Cultural Communication Specialist | Director at LSE | Published Author | Educational Video Producer (字espresso) | Chief Examiner (IoLET Diploma)
Welcome to Daily Headline 今日头条 at 字 espresso!Please subscribe and hit the notification button so you don't miss out new content.
Today is Wednesday, 7 Dec 2022. Selected headlines for you:
- The New York Times 中文网:当代孕妈妈被迫抚养孩子:柬埔寨代孕产业的道德困境
- The New York Times 中文网:习近平将访问沙特阿拉伯,深化中国与中东地区关系
* Key words:
1. 代孕 surrogate, surrogacy
2. 被迫 to be forced to
3. 抚养 to raise (children/animal)
4. 道德困境 moral dilemma
5. 访问 to visit
6. 沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia
7. 深化…关系 to deepen … relations
8. 中东 Middle East
* Key characters:
被迫 to be forced to (HSK 6)
Example Sentences:
1. 该公司被迫到期不分红。
The company was forced to pass its dividend.
2. 如果对方的主张被证明是正确的,我们可能被迫要改变我们的立场。
If the claims of the other side prove true , we may be forced to alter our position .
3. 但它的一些业务可能由另一个汽车制造商来接手,也可能被迫进行清算。
But some of its operations could be taken over by another automaker or it could even be forced to liquidate.
4. 还有什么更好的字眼能用来描述我们被迫选择的生活方式呢?
What better word to describe the way in which we have been forced to live?
5. 或者你遇到紧急情况,你就要被迫卖掉它。
Or in an emergency you might be forced to sell it.
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