Learn art with me..
By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower”. It only means, the experience of beauty is whole
Art is an idea that belongs to everyone. It is found in every culture.
Whatever physical form it might take, whatever emotional, aesthetic,
or psychological challenge it may offer, it is vital to every culture’s
sense of itself.
Art is not separate from life; it is the very description of the lives we lead.
It is not defined by medium or the means of its production, but by a
collective sense that it belongs to a category of experience we have cometo know as “art.”
Drawing is more than a tool for rendering and capturing likenesses. It
is a language, with its own syntax, grammar, and urgency. Learning to
draw is about learning to see. In this way, it is a metaphor for all art activity. Whatever its form, drawing transforms perception and thought
into image and teaches us how to think with our eyes.
( to be Continue )