Learn Arabic the easy way - Guides, Tips, Links & More

Learn Arabic the easy way - Guides, Tips, Links & More

Have you always wanted to learn Arabic? Keeping a slight focus on the UAE, here’s a low-down on how you can make the right choice to begin learning the language, InshaAllah (God willing).

Note: the first portion of the article focuses on classical Arabic and the later portion towards Quranic Arabic.

So, why learn Arabic?

Everyone must learn a second or third language. We’ve got nothing to lose, especially when our surroundings demand it.

The Arabic language is composed of different sciences. When someone learns Arabic he/she must understand that he is in fact learning three sciences. Realizing this separation between the various sciences assist the student of Arabic in grasping the language. With this he will know where the language begins and where it ends. It is indeed unfortunate that most modern books of Arabic language instruction fail to even mention this.

For many students, it has been a conscious decision to overcome the inhibitions imposed by the received wisdom that Arabic is a complex, difficult language to learn. The reality is that it isn’t.

10 solid reasons why Arabic might be an excellent choice for you:

1. Arabic is the 5th most commonly spoken native language in the world.

Arabic is the official language of over 20 countries and there are well over 300 million native speakers of the language. These speakers are largely concentrated in the Middle East, but there are minority groups of native speakers throughout the world. It is also an official language of the United Nations, the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Conference, and the African Union.

2. Arabic is the liturgical language of Islam.

In addition to the millions of native speakers, many more millions know Arabic as a foreign language, since as the language of the Qu'ran, it is understood by Muslims throughout the world. 

3. Are you planning for a job in an Arab country?

With the Arab economies set on steady growth, professionals in various fields are in high demand.

Knowledge of Arabic can increase your chances of getting an interesting and rewarding job in an Arab country. Examples of professions where knowledge of Arabic is desirable: Foreign Correspondent, Translator, Technical Engineer, Geologist, Banker, International Consultant, Foreign Service Officer, International Lawyer, Teacher, Researcher, Doctor, Nurse, Dentist, and Social Worker.

4. There are financial incentives for learning Arabic.

Certain western governments have designated Arabic as a language of strategic importance. The National Strategic Language Initiative instituted in 2006 promotes the learning of Arabic (and other languages deemed critical) among Americans through numerous scholarships and supported learning opportunities. These include support for language courses from beginning to advanced levels, study abroad programs, intensive instruction opportunities, teacher exchanges, and professional development.

5. Arabic-speaking nations are a fast growing market for trade.

Initiatives to integrate the Arab world into the global economy are opening up numerous potential new business opportunities. The Arab region with its rapidly growing population provides a huge export market for goods and services. With a GDP of over 600 billion dollars annually, the region also has much to offer the world market. In order to do business effectively, one must understand the language and culture of the people with whom one hopes to negotiate and conduct trade.

6. Arabic-speaking peoples have made significant contributions to world civilization.

While Europe was experiencing the relative intellectual stagnation of the Middle Ages, the Arab-Islamic civilization was at its zenith. Arabs contributed a great deal to the advancement of science, medicine, and philosophy. Much learning from the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine cultures was preserved for the world through the Arab libraries. Arabs have also made significant contributions in such areas as literature, mathematics, navigation, astrology, and architecture. A knowledge of Arabic enables the exploration of this vast body of knowledge in their original language.

7. The Arab-speaking world has a rich cultural heritage.

The Arab world has its own unique art, music, literature, cuisine, and way of life. Westerners know about belly dance, perhaps have read1001 Nights, and may have tried some popular Middle Eastern dishes such as hummus or falafel, but Western exposure to the Arab way of life is generally limited. In exploring the Arabic world, you will learn to appreciate its distinct cultural products and practices and you will come to understand some of the values important to the Arabic people, such as honour, dignity, and hospitality.

8. Knowing Arabic can promote intercultural understanding.

In addition to having limited exposure to real Arabic culture, Westerners are presented with one-dimensional negative stereotypes of Arabic-speaking peoples through the news media, Hollywood films, and other sources. At the same time, events in the Middle East affect our daily lives. Reliance on such false and superficial images can lead to mistrust and miscommunication, to an inability to cooperate, negotiate, and compromise, and perhaps even to military confrontation. Those who learn Arabic gain deeper insights into the cultural, political, and religious values that motivate people in those cultures. People who know Arabic can negotiate the cultural and linguistic gap between nations, assist in solving and avoiding intercultural conflict, and help businesses successfully engage in international trade.

9. Arabic influence is evident in many other languages.

The export of concepts, products, and cultural practices from Arabic-speaking peoples is evident in the vocabulary that Arabic has lent other languages. Algebra was invented by Arab mathematicians in medieval times. Such staple products as coffee and cotton came from the Arab world, as well as jasmine, lemon, and lime. Other Arabic loanwords appearing in English denote such diverse things as henna,macrame, lute, mattress, gerbil, sorbet, safari and muslin. The influence of Arabic culture is apparent not only in the English language. Numerous Arabic contributions are also discernible in Persian, Turkish, Kurdish, Spanish, Swahili, Urdu, and other languages.

10. Are you living as an expat in an Arab country?

Living in a country without being able to understand its language, can be stranger, regardless of how long you stay. If you are an expatriate in an Arab country, you have probably realised how much easier, and also enjoyable, your daily life would be if you knew how to read and speak Arabic.


What is Fusha?

Fus-ha is the Arabic name for literary Arabic, which covers both what is referred to in English as Modern Standard Arabic & what is referred to in English as Classical Arabic. Classical (Fusha), Modern Standard (MSA), and Colloquial (Ammiya). Fusha is the oldest form of Arabic and is the language of the Quran, sacred texts, poetry and religious sermons. Modern Standard Arabic is derived directly from Fusha and has become the language of correspondence and discourse, the media, contemporary literature.

On the other hand, colloquial Arabic, or Ammiya, refers to national and regional dialects that occupy popular culture media; including movies and music, and public communications. The Middle East and the North African region carry numerous forms of Ammiya that differ according to geography, socio-economic, as well as religious concerns. Linguists have generally considered a dialectical division existing between the Middle East and North Africa, followed closely by a division between conservative Bedouins and sedentary dialects.

The main reason being that many Arabic speakers view Classical /Standard Arabic (FuSHa) as flawless, perfect and as the language through which God chose to address mankind (Arabic is the liturgical language of Islam used in the Qur’an and hadeeth). Therefore, for many of these speakers learning, let alone teaching spoken Arabic in a systematic manner should not be done because it violates the sanctity of FuSHa. Some speakers also feel that if efforts are made to promote spoken Arabic, then FuSHa will not be understood by future Arabic speakers, this feeling is shared by many despite the fact that nobody actually casually speaks in FuSHa.


Where can I learn?

Institutes / Universities around UAE

Dubai –

Arabic language learning centres in Dubai are seeing higher enrolments, especially between the age group of 20-45.

The Eton Institute (www.eton.ae) in Dubai's Knowledge Village also offers courses. As one Emirati resident commented: “Be sure to inquire in person with their staff as the Arabic they teach would be classical Arabic, or Egyptian or Lebanese dialects.”

Al Ramsa Insitute (www.alramsa.ae) is a language center dedicated for Emirati culture & dialect. They are also accredited by the Knowledge & Human Development Authority (KHDA), Dubai Government. Note that they do not teach Fusha Arabic.

Iqraa – (www.iqraalc.com) Termed Dubai's Leading Arabic Language Center, their passion is to teach and share rich Arabic language and culture, to both current and future generations. The institute showcases a unique teaching method whereby students learn in an interactive, logical and simplified manner, with dedicated and enthusiastic teachers.

The Arabic Language Centre (ALC), at Dubai World Trade Centre (www.arabiclanguagecentre.com) said their average number of students for Arabic classes is over a 1,000 a year, with many of the learners coming from Russia, Europe (particularly UK, France, Germany, Spain), the US or Canada, Asia (India, Pakistan), Iran and the Far East.

Golden Age Institute - (www.goldenage.ae) - Golden Age structures the delivery methods to fit the schedules at all levels of learners. This is a tailored system we use to teach the corporate business entities Arabic language in other to communicate with their Arabic clients better and professionally. It is a professional corporate, business Arabic that will help you increase your efficiency n closing deals in your business.

Sharjah –

Awaiting input – In case you are aware of any institutes, please write to us on [email protected]

Ajman –

Emirates Center for computer & culture (markazalemirat.com) – They specialized in teaching Arabic for Non–Arabic speakers & teach the original source language (Fusha) which has no colloquial terms (‘Ammiya). Their teaching quality, with a practical environment makes students confident to speak fluently, both in and outside the class room, in a short period of time. At the end of the program they will gain knowledge in Arabic reading, writing, speaking, Sarf (morphology) and Nahw (Grammar).

Preston University Ajman (www.preston.ae) - If you are a worker or a student do not miss opportunity to study at evening time, and if you are free then you can choose which time is better for you to study, morning or evening. Arabic teaching is professional and on highest level. Their fees is amongst the cheapest in the UAE, and there is transport provided for those who do not have a car.


Online Classrooms / Universities – For the rest of the World

Madinah Arabic (madinaharabic.com/Arabic-course) - The Madinah Arabic Tuition Centre is a world-class online tuition centre. We have syllabuses / programmes to suit every type of student and organisation.

King Saud University - A new project that allows complete online interactive Arabic learning. And it's completely FREE. A service that King Saud University offers to the international community around the world. You can start learning immediately after the short registration. You can follow any of these two links: learnarabiconline.ksu.edu.sa &arabiconline.ksu.edu.sa

ArabiCollege.com (arabicollege.com) - ArabiCollege is an educational college that teaches Arabic to non-Arabic speakers around the world, through 24/7 live online sessions and virtual classrooms. In addition to other high standard language learning methods, ArabiCollege offers multimedia modules and highly interactive courses.



Learning Arabic consists of three steps:

1) Learning basic language skills (can take 1-3 years depending on student)

2) Studying Arabic as a science (can take 2-4 years depending on student)

3) Intensive Academic expertise/research (Lifetime)


For the first step, the entire step consists of one word: Practice. Practice, Practice, Practice your reading, listening, speaking and writing skills as much and as often as you can to get to to fluency. It can take 2-3 years to obtain full fluency (or more) don't despair. The key is consistency in practice, even if its only 1/2 hour everyday (although more is better).


Important Books

- The Bayna Yadayk series (preferably with a teacher who can give you speaking and writing practice).

- A favorite for self study: a book called "Learning Arabic through the Islamic texts" by Syed Iqbal Zaheer. 

- Qasas-ul-Nabiyin lil-Atfal for reading practice

- Suwarun min Hayatis-Sahabah for reading after Qasas.

- Other things you can use for practice include Arabic Youtube (like the Omar series, Arabic cartoons etc) 

- al-Nahw al-Wadih

Do not cross over to the next stage until you have achieved at least 80% or so fluency. Ask around for additional resources for practice.


A few Tips for students:

1. Study in a classroom setting with a good teacher and a suitable textbook.

2. Start with learning the Arabic alphabetic and reading and writing. Learning few words and expressions is not the way to pick up the language.

3. Learn the Modern Standard Arabic (fuS-Ha) first, it will be more meaningful and definitely assist learners in picking up another dialect.

4. Always practise and imitate as much as you can.

5. Do not be shy or embarrassed. Make it a habit by using what you learnt with native speakers and even other learners.

6. Watch Arabic documentaries and news.

7. Listen to Arabic poetry.


Quranic Arabic

Imām ash-Shaafi'ee said: It is obligatory for every Muslim to learn the Arabic tongue, to the utmost of his ability in order to be able to profess through it that there is none worthy of worship other than Allāh, and that Mu?ammad is His slave and Messenger, and to recite in [the Arabic tongue] the Book of Allāh, and to speak in mentioning what is incumbent upon him - the Takbeer (of the prayer), and what [other matters] are commanded, the Tasbī?, the Tashahhud, and others. [Ar-Risaalah (p. 93)]

'Umar ibn Khattab said, "Learn the Arabic language; it will sharpen your wisdom.

It is the chosen language. Allah (glorified be He) selected Arabic to be the language of Qur'an from amongst all the languages of the world. "Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand." (Qur'an, 43:3)

Arabic is also used in our daily prayers, Friday sermons, du'as, etc.

A popular sheikh commented: it is a scheme by plotters from outside. To create a false image that learning Arabic is a mammoth task. In fact it isn’t, because once they do, they easily unlock secrets of the wealth present in Islam via the key: Arabic.

Understanding Qur'an, Hadiths and our prayers without the need for translation or interpretation is a great blessing. It will deepen love and respect for Allah’s words. But it cannot be attained without taking the first step – learning Arabic.


The sciences of Arabic are in fact twelve in number. However the sciences that are the most important for the understanding of the Qur’an and Sunnah are three:

I. Nahw : It is most often translated as ‘grammar’. Nahw is a study of the language and the various rules governing the words as they appear in a sentence. For example I will now mention to you three sentences and discuss the difference between them please pay close attention.

II. Sarf : It is often translated as ‘morphology’. The actual meaning of Sarf is “the metamorphosing or changing of the ‘asl (base/root word) to many different examples so as to achieve meanings that could not otherwise be achieved” The science of Sarf is mostly relegated to verbs and that which derives from them.

III. Balaghah : It is a science dealing with the eloquence of the Arabic language and how to convey proper meanings according to the situation. Balaghah also deals with the meanings of words and they take shape in their different usage. Balaghah is essential in fully understanding the miraculous nature of the Quran.


Studying Arabic as a science – this should be done with a teacher. If you are a natural at languages, any teacher who has studied these texts will suffice, otherwise a teacher skilled and fluent in these sciences is highly preferred (doesn’t have to be a specialist in the Arabic language though, some scholars of fiqh and hadith can also teach language very well).

There are 4 sciences - Nahw (grammar), Sarf (morphology), Balagha (prose/rhetoric/style) and Adab (literature).


Important books:

In Nahw:

- al-Ajrumiyyah (with a lot of basic I’rab practice)

- Qatr-ul-Nada (With I’rab practice from the Qur’an)

- Qawa’id ul-I’rab (with I’rab practice from the Qur’an)

Alfiyyatuibnu Malik (With I’rab practice from the poem that forms the text of the book).

- Mughni al-Labib

In Sarf:

- Imam al-Taftazani’s explanation of Tasrif ul-Izzi – (with some basic practice in I’lal and Ibdal)

- Lamiyyatul-Af’al – I prefer the sharh of the author’s son for the student – although the teacher can use others to reference from.

- Alfiyyatuibnu Malik (with a lot more practice in I’lal/Ibdal etc)

- Taysir-ul-I’lal wal Ibdal – can be studied on one’s own after the alfiyyah – excellent book for practice.

In Balaghah:

- Durus-ul-Balaghah – an easy, comprehensive introduction

- Al-Balaghatul-Wadihah – Important to learn Balaghah on a practical level.

- Sharh Mukhtasar Sa’d – Very important text to study, will really make the connection for you between logic and balaghah, as well as opening up advanced balagah texts for you.


Where can I learn?

Centers / Institutes around UAE

Jumeirah Islamic Learning Center – (muhammadtim.com/arabic) - Aimed at beginners, Each student will start from the very basics, with each class having a balance of listening, speaking and comprehension of classical Arabic, from a variety of books.


Online Classroom / Universities

Lqtoronto (lqtoronto.com) – It’s founder: Dr. Abdur Rahim, joined the Islamic University of Madinah to teach Arabic Philology. Here, he was also associated with the Programme of teaching Arabic as a foreign language. The course he designed for this purpose is now known as Dur?s al-Lugha? al-‘Arabiyya ? li-Ghair al-Natiq?na Biha. (Now these books are popularly known throughout the world as “MADINA BOOKS”.) When he was learning Arabic by himself, Abdur Rahim studied the many problems that beset the non-native students of Arabic, and tried to solve them. He discovered that all these problems can easily be solved by applying the principle of taqd?m al- us?l ‘ala al-fur?‘, i.e. teaching the primary elements before the secondary elements. Currently, Dr V. Abdur Rahim is Director, Translation Centre, King Fahd Qur'an Printing Complex, Madinah Al Munawwarah.

Islamic Online University (IOU - www.islamiconlineuniversity.com/iap/) - The Islamic Online University brings you a new intensive Arabic program. This is a two year program, eight courses (two courses per semester), with concentration on reading, writing, listening and basic conversation skills. The course is open to everyone and while there are no admission prerequisites, those not fluent in reading Arabic script are required to complete ‘Arabic 100 program’ before joining the Intensive Arabic.

Al Baseera International Institute - A short review course which covers the finer details of grammar topics that were taught during the first year of Albaseerah’s Arabic Language Program. studyislaam.org/institute/mod/book/view.php?id=368&chapterid=323

Madinah Arabic (madinaharabic.com/Arabic-course) - The Madinah Arabic Tuition Centre is a world-class online tuition centre. We have syllabuses / programmes to suit every type of student and organisation.

PureMusk.com (www.puremusk.com) - Pure Musk is a unique learning service brought to you by Radiant Drops in order to help you come closer to your Creator by understanding the words of Allah and His Messenger ?. You will be given a dedicated, private teacher who will guide you step by step, at your own pace in achieving the noble goal of understanding the Arabic language. Your curriculum will be personalised around your level of understanding, from the absolute beginner to the advanced.

Al-Arabiyyah Bayna Yadayk (Click here to visit the youtube series) - By Green Lane Masjid, UK.


Learn via a mobile App:

Madinah Arabic App - Durus al-Lughathul Arabiyyah, is a compact Arabic Course in Three Parts for learners whose mother tongue is not Arabic. It is designed to teach Classical Arabic with Islamic Orientation along with the diction used in Modern Arabic. It is widely used as a textbook in many parts of the world. Here are the download links for you to proceed with:

For Android OS :

Madinah Arabic App 1 - Demo - This App has the first 12 chapters of Book 1.


Madinah Arabic App 1 - PRO - This App has the entire 23 chapters of Book 1.


Madinah Arabic App 2 - PRO - This App has the entire 31 chapters of Book 2.


Madinah Arabic App 3 - PRO - This App has the first 15 chapters of Book 3. The remaining chapters will be added in the Future Updates.


For iOS : 

Madinah Arabic App 1 - Demo - This App has the first 12 chapters of Book 1.


Madinah Arabic App 1 - PRO - This App has the entire 23 chapters of Book 1.


Madinah Arabic App 2 - PRO - This App has the entire 31 chapters of Book 2.


Madinah Arabic App 3 - PRO - This App has the first 15 chapters of Book 3. The remaining chapters will be added in the Future Updates.



A few tips for students:

1. You must read as much as you can. Start by reading small books on different issues in Arabic. Take a notepad and write the new words down. When you look up a word in the dictionary, underline it with a pencil. If you look up the word again in the future and see that you marked it with your pencil, you must memorize that word, as you will more than likely see it again and again. Don’t write the meanings of the words in English down in your book that you are reading. That is because you only read the meaning and not the actual word in Arabic this way.

2. You must also learn through listening. In this way you learn how Arabic is spoken and how certain ideas are conveyed. The best thing is to listen and act as if you understand everything you hear. If you cant find a speaker giving a talk then buy some tapes of the ulema and tulaab ul ilm. Some of the clearest speakers are Shaykh Muhammad al-Uthaymin, shaykh al albani , shaykh Muhammad mukhtar ash-shinqiti, and shaykh Saalih aal ash-shaykh. It is also advisable to listen to tapes of those who are not so clear to gain mastery in listening skills. Some of the best ones for that are shaykh Abdul-Aziz ibn Baz and shaykh Jibreen & Shaykh A’id al-Qarni (Abu Mujaahid: This is the opinion of the original writer..as for me then I don’t advise hearing from Saalih, Qarnee & co)

3. Listen to the Quran attempting to understand it.

4. Try to understand the Arabic language in Arabic. Don’t be like some people who only wish to translate everything into their own native tongue. This will take time but it is very important and will cause you to understand Arabic as it is.

5. Talk as much as you can to those Arabs who will correct you and help you in learning.

6. The most important thing is to always read. If you don’t read you will not gain mastery over the language. You must read even if you don’t want to. Reading will give you a glimpse into the various sciences of the Deen and increase your vocabulary

7. In the beginning make your primary focus understanding. Most of us will know more words that we can even think to mention in a conversation with an Arab. The same goes for English.


Arabic learning resources

Several useful links can be found on muqith.wordpress.com/resources/arabic-resources/


Hadiyashop can help too

Teach me Arabic - Book set - hadiyashop.com/teach-me-arabic-books-set/

Al Sadik - Dictionary - English to Arabic - hadiyashop.com/al-sadik-dictionary/






- Originally written for Hadiyashop.com


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