Learn all the Programming Languages!

Learn all the Programming Languages!

To really feel comfortable learning any language there are four main areas you need to start with.

1. Data and Data Types

What types of data can my variables be, how do I declare the variable? What operators are available to do mathematical and boolean operations with my variables?

What collections are available to group my data like arrays, objects, maps, tuples, etc.?

2. Control Flow

How can I make conditional code? (ifs, switches, ternary)

How can I repeat code? (while and for loops)

3. Functions

How can we encapsulate code into a function I can call when needed?

How do I pass parameters to that function?

How does that function return a value, what if it doesn't?

What's a pure vs impure function?

4. Object-Oriented Programming

How can I encapsulate data and functions into a class (if possible)?

How can I define what occurs when an instance of the class is created and destroyed? (constructors/destructors)

How can a new class borrow the structure of a class already created? (inheritance/polymorphism)

How can I alter the structure from the borrowed class into the new class? (overriding)


Once you learn these concepts it is just a matter of applying a particular language's nuances and syntax to these concepts. Below is a coding exercise that will help you practice all the above.


  • Create a fighter class
  • each fighter should have a name, health, strength and defense attribute
  • each fighter should have an attack method and defense method
  • use randomization to set each fighter's stats and to randomize the effects of the attack and defense methods
  • instantiate two fights
  • create a loop in which the two fighters will fight till one's health is depleted

repeat this exercise for each language you learn.

Learn languages

below are playlists I've made teach the basics for several programming languages:

GO -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpRGrjKmOFs&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbZbFOW6r6YulR1_9SCrdyOZ

Clojure -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUaZOprIaLs&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbarM5X9VpYCVtPH85rsunv0

Python -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd4Z8pjVCf0&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbaTvgXqNCRXcKnqbO5j2oQn

C# -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz-4d_HH0lY&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbaQfi5KyW7IexlIsIKD1Oqb

Dart -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTn36FhprnM&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbZaOObALdHSgGTZhne6Q-yJ

Elixir -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQYHu2GuRfU&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbYZhj8LsQ3yq1vn-HwlpkkS

Swift -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctughz7bbnQ&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbYn60pD3UYfYw7BzxGY2Do0

Kotlin -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5z2RDR9sk0&list=PLY6oTPmKnKba9Xg06DR67IxdppdKsQZ_s

Ruby -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yMGIgXcJJM&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbZp8Kh6jS5A6j-6H2kGY12e

PHP -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scsmssXd47U&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbbLnwRkrCDhOl94iaibHwBJ

Javascript -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yF-AdLnhj3I&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbZDZ9cRrRby4Wnr4GIJj5O3

Bonus for WebDev

HTML/CSS/JS -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrM2dKRDN-E&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbbeAFC_F_f6jBKU4Xfu24sX

CSS/SASS -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urFkrlRGnDI&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbZXeMjA3ngkpE_4puPstrLT

Full Stack with Express -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZxyYKhAvQQ&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbZeKlNGxOrL2Crl-tm1bxbJ

Full Stack with Koa -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_aWw7lfKKI&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbbF4t0Y9DcUVYi7f4kix7Qj

Full stack with FoalTS -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvoBeTdMFUE&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbY6v7zR9h1INfywh-qFLSQ_

Full stack with Laravel -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eWGqdyMJ5Y&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbZ5TgZKeh0uKT6d1DenRmx1

Full Stack with NextJS -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES0luPNdbRs&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbZBfml7eZ-ubwCEMC4EjdTN

Vue -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EwtLQ7BZkc&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbbsEAIDfFAlhAVbSCIt2Bxx

Angular -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EwtLQ7BZkc&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbahNK_YUsjTzP5U-FkGA544

React -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EwtLQ7BZkc&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbba6LlpF7kcnsyWdlwePt_V

Stencil -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btQ7Whq8xcU&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbazpUTMcGmvMtgU5sr0Ip-V

Svelte -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu-JVd8MKaU&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbZpyj6WhUsjri1Tw_BO-obP

Gatsby -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EwtLQ7BZkc&list=PLY6oTPmKnKbZgxwVjSuk-SkgoFNuMBWL_

Bonus - Computer Science Concepts



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