Learn Active Directory Consolidation to Easily Join Two ADs
Active Directory consolidation is not a new requirement in this industry. As businesses grow, they often have to make decisions that have a profound effect on how they operate. Joining multiple active directories with each other is one of them.?
It is a vast subject with many nuances, like when to consolidate, how to handle other services, etc. And characters like users, computers, and groups, to name a few. So to limit our scope and not confuse the readers, we opt for a more direct reason>benefit>procedure approach. Without further ado, let's get started.
Why Consolidate Active Directory At All?
The purpose of an AD consolidation stems from a business requirement. To get a more situation-specific idea, refer to the points below:
Restructuring is not always within large organizations. Even new startups may undergo multiple changes. This is to establish a better foothold in the market.
Thus, organizational restructuring often requires businesses to revamp the way they currently use their Active Directory. Delaying it can lead to severe penalties, like reduced worker efficiency.
Moreover, they also risk falling behind peers in terms of infrastructure. So to avoid the absurd mismatch between identity and vision, administrators may have to join different ADs with each other.
What Advantages Do Organizations Get After Consolidating Their AD?
Best Practices During Active Directory Consolidation
Treat this as a mini AD migration checklist if you will. Speaking of checklists, that's exactly where an admin should start. So let's see where to go next.
Once you have a checklist of the current AD configuration, begin the schema creation. A smart decision here is to keep all the good parts of the previous installation while not repeating the same mistakes.
New admins might be in a hurry and thus tempted to finish the project with a simple lift and shift. This might work during an Active Directory cross-forest migration. However, consolidation is different.?
So admins are recommended to go for the green field method instead. Where we create a brand new but empty Active Directory. It contains all the necessary structural information but lacks the data. To make it fully functional, we pull out the data from each of the source ADs one by one and place it in the target.??
Multiple passes are made on the source to make sure each bit of data is moved from the source to the target.
Key Points for Choosing the Right AD Consolidation Partner
Joining and transforming Active Directory is a crucial step in a business life cycle. So if the wrong choice is made before one undergoes this process, it can lead to multiple issues down the line. That's why you should check out these criteria that even experts trust when selecting their AD migration partner.?
Identify your own business goals and whether the potential partner can deliver them or not.?
This includes the time you can spare for the consolidation. How do your other systems react to the change? As Active Directory is linked to other services, what's the impact of consolidation on them? Moreover, admins also need to take care not to cross the overall budget allocated towards the project.?
Talk to other IT admins who have recently completed an AD consolidation with a tool. With this, administrators get to know the first-hand experience of difficulties faced during a migration. They can also get a rough idea of the tool's requirements. Moreover, this gives them a third-party review of sorts on the claim fulfillment percentage of the tool.
To make your search easier, we introduce you to the best AD migration solution on the market. Count on SysTools Active Directory Migration solution is all that you need. It goes beyond the ordinary requirements with multi-domain addition and 4 different ways to deal with user passwords. Combine this with the UI, and you get a fully packed utility ready to handle all migrations that arise out of a consolidation requirement.??
Steps to Use the Ultimate AD Merging Utility?
This blog clears out the doubts in the mind of an admin during an Active directory consolidation project. Here we highlighted its purpose changes and scenarios that trigger its need. After that, our discussion went on to explain what parameters should an admin look at before selecting a consolidation partner. As we saw consolidation is indeed a migration for which the only solution required is the one discussed above.