LeapBox users don't want to go back, demos and events, and spot spraying field tests.
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This issue: User experience / Field tests / Events coming up
LeapFarmer's experience
Quite a group of LeapBox users (a.k.a. LeapFarmers) spray their second or third season with LeapBox. Time to get their experience stories out by an interview. What they all have in common is that they want to be more specific in spraying. No longer do they want to torture their crop needlessly. They just want to protect what needs to be protected.
The question "what's the difference working with LeapBox?" They all try to recall their memories. It's easy to get used to something that works so smoothly. Pieter van Leeuwen-Boomkamp says that spraying has become so much easier. He finds it really valuable to have more time watching his crops while spraying. Before, he used to manually adjust a lot, just to make sure his coverage would be right. Especially when taking off or in the corners. A little extra in the corner here, a bit extra there. Now he doesn't worry about that anymore. And he doesn't want to go back to his previous system. In fact, in previous years he often faced the threat of phytophthora at sensitive places, but last year he kept his fields clean.
It's easy to get used to something that works so smoothly.
René Haaijer runs his contractor firm and farm together with his father. While his father was a bit hesitant about working with a new system at first, he was back on the sprayer a week or so after installation. They are both spraying, but his father is doing most of the spray jobs, just like he used to. Haaijer says it's no rocket science, you just put in the liters/ha, your droplet size and you are ready to go.
Both LeapFarmers still do blanket spraying and work with task maps. You can't do everything at once. But with LeapBox they can thrust the coverage. If you don't spray based on task maps it's conventional blanket spraying, but the results are so much better. These are the basic functionalities of LeapBox:
It is possible to work with a task map at any time. Full interviews, including their experience with task map spraying, will be published in the upcoming period. Sign up for our newsletter, stay tuned or read the interview with Pieter Evenhuis.
Field Tests
We are currently running a series of field tests, from LeapCat to LeapEye, and several in collaboration with other companies worldwide that can provide data, algorithms, and task maps. We will continuously post updates about the progress.
Jan Pieter Evenhuis and Leks Bolderdijk getting ready to fly a drone and collect images to create maps on a few dozen grasslands. The goal is to improve biodiversity by only spraying thistles leaving the clover and other herbs untouched.
Demo's & Events
Meet us at an event!
We have recently visited the Fruitteelt Vakbeurs in Houten. We co-exhibit our stand with Abemec and KWH Holland. Visitors could experience the LeapEye technology by passing by. We adjusted the system to recognize people and attached lights that lit up. Fruit growers are excited about the LeapEye to be launched!
Where to find us next?
The season is getting started and we are continuously adding new events to our calender. Meet us here:
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We are happy to get you in touch with a customer or pay them a visit together. Call or text one of us directly or mail to [email protected]
Ps, got curious? We are open about our prices and possibilities. Get a quote here.