The Leap To A Healthier Lifestyle

The Leap To A Healthier Lifestyle

Being alive and active is the need of the hour, especially during the incessant pandemic. We have spent the last two years just sitting on our butts with bare minimum activity. 2021 was a year like no other. As a generation, we have completely nullified the efforts of our ancestors, who spend years making the human body what it is today. Despite our best efforts, we haven’t been able to control the events happening around us. But lately, I’ve realized that we can at least be in charge of our minds and bodies.

People say there’s never a right time to start your fitness journey, but I disagree. The right time to start comes when you feel ready from within. The right time comes when you’re tired of seeing yourself that. It starts when you promise yourself to make a change. And it comes when you set a goal for yourself and commit to it. It does feel easier said than done, but once you unleash your inner capability, there’s nothing that can stop you. Once you kick off, your dream body is just around the corner.

I’m a hotel management graduate, and cooking is in my blood. My week doesn’t go by if I haven’t tried a minimum of one new dish. Cheese is my favourite ingredient in the kitchen. I buy mozzarella by the kilo. This made me realize that things were getting out of control and I needed to do something before obesity was inevitable. Although I genuinely didn’t know where to start, even so, I downloaded apps and looked at a few YouTube tutorials and commenced. Not noticing any results, I read that just working out wouldn’t be beneficial unless accompanied by a diet regime. To keep up with this, my father suggested I hire a personal trainer. I thought this was my best bet, and agreed.

I had my first class with him on the 2nd of August. It was terrible and by the end, I could barely breathe and would have puked if had opened my mouth. I had thoughts of giving up on my first day. The diet plan had me starving for a major part of the day, which was especially difficult for the chef inside me. I used to experiment with at least one new dish every week, but that came to a halt altogether. I had to part ways from my passion for so long, and my body wanted to quit. But of course, I couldn’t because my eyes were set on a goal. I had to stick it out because I knew it would get better. And it did. I worked out every day for an hour in the evening for several months and stuck to my diet as well. Soon, I started seeing physical changes, and exercising also transformed my mental health. Exercising also taught me discipline in all aspects of my life.

I’m writing this article about six months post picking up my new lifestyle. I’ve lost about 12 Kilos in six months and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve been more confident than ever, completely changed my wardrobe (clothes from five years ago fit me now! ) and I feel amazing about myself. I don’t think of healthy food as a ‘diet’ anymore, rather a part of my lifestyle. Now, my day doesn’t go by if I don’t take part in any kind of physical activity, be it walking, running, or weight training. I need to go for a brisk walk around my apartment every evening, and complete my goal of at least 7000 steps per day. Beyond doubt, I would encourage all those lazy people to take up a healthier lifestyle and take the road to feeling optimistic about themselves!


Formerly Lazy Teenager.


