Leaning Into Your 'Burning Bush'? Moment

Leaning Into Your 'Burning Bush' Moment

What was the “burning bush” moment in your life?

In Episode 28 of The 3 Wins Podcast, I sat down with Bill High, who shared his story.

The “Burning Bush” refers to a Biblical story in the Book of Exodus that goes something like this. Flames grab Moses' attention. And when Moses turns toward the bush consumed by fire, he hears a voice. At that moment, God tells Moses to step out of his comfort zone and confront the Egyptian Pharoah. The mission: Tell the Pharaoh, “Let my people go.”

Bill’s burning bush moment in 2000 changed the trajectory of his life. He felt God's call to leave the income and security of his job as an attorney. The mission: Step out on faith to start a new charitable foundation.

That new venture became The Signatry.

It has been more than two decades since Bill answered the call. Today, The Signatry has facilitated sending over $3.5 billion to world-changing causes.

Can you point to a burning bush moment in your life? How did you respond? Or are you facing that moment today and anxious about the next steps?

Watch/ listen to this episode to find the inspiration you need to lean into the burning bush moments of your life.

Watch the full episode here. And below are the three big takeaways from the episode for easy reference.

Episode Highlights

Here are a few highlights from Episode 28 with Bill High:

1. Look toward your “burning bush” moment.

?I clearly had this sense that God was calling us away from the law firm. So, in February of 2000, as we were starting to organize, I did a personal retreat.

Took 24 hours and went out to the woods in a cabin. I remember very distinctly that it was kind of a cold February day. The leaves were swirling around in the nighttime, and it was just me. It was quiet. The wind, nothing else. I read through the book of Exodus. And just as I was reading through the book of Exodus, this whole idea that “I'm going to take you out and take you to a land” became very evident.

A couple of verses really stood out. One, of course, is the picture of Moses and the burning bush. And the burning bush idea is that it's not like the bush was consumed, but it's that Moses turned aside to look. And then part of the idea that I had to wrestle with is, “Was this a burning bush moment? Was I going to turn aside to look?” Because often, if that comes up, I'm not sure they will come again.?

So, we wanted to be obedient to the burning bush moment.

But then one of the other things that came out of that passage in Exodus chapters 32, 33, and 34 is that “Lord, we don't want to go anywhere but that you've gone before us, so we know that you've gone before us.”?

I came out of that personal retreat with the sense that God was directing us out.?

2. There’s virtue in taking risks.

?It's conviction. It's the idea that we should go. It's the idea of risk. I think God is extremely pleased by risk.?

And the parable in Matthew 25—the parable of the talents—is very much about this idea of risk.?

The guy that got five talents. He went in and invested and went to work on it. And I asked myself, “What would have happened when the master came back, and the guy with five talents said, ‘Master, I went out there, and I invested, and I did this, and I did that, but I lost it all’?

I don't think the master would have said, “No, I'm holding you accountable for the results.” I think he would have said, “Well done. Just as well because he is willing to take the risk.” I tried to grow it, made mistakes, and here's what I learned. So anyway, the guy that was not commended was the guy that took no risk.

So, God wants us to take risks.?

3. Legacy is not what you leave behind; it’s what you put in motion.

?We wrote a book called “Giving It All Away and Getting It All Back Again.” The basic idea that we try to say, Number One, you have to realize that legacy is not what you leave behind. Legacy is what you put in motion.?

So, for the family of faith, we say, “You're not living for this day. You're living for that day.”

There is a long tomorrow. If you're a person of faith and believe in heaven, there's a long tomorrow, and you’ve got to live for that day.?

It's the idea of “Who are going to be the people who are gathered around you? Your spouse. Your kids. Your grandkids. Et cetera. And with that legacy, the question that will be asked is, “What did you do with what I put in your hand?”

And legacy is not neutral. Legacy is going to be either good or bad. And again, we're all pointing to that day.?

Second Corinthians 5:10 says, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ and be held accountable for what we've done in the body, whether good or bad. It doesn't say whether good, neutral or bad.”

Whatever God's put in your hands, you've got to say, “What am I supposed to do with that?” So, when you start with those ideas, that legacy starts to look like that. And legacy is long-term. That's one of the first principles that we begin to talk about.?

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To learn more about how to apply The 3 Wins Framework in your business, download our FREE whitepaper, “The 3 Wins: How to Unleash the Collaboration Effect on Profits in Your Company” here: https://www.legacyadvisorypartners.com/signup-for-free-book-download.html

The Great 8: A New Paradigm for Leadership, by J. David Harper, Jr., CEO of Legacy Advisory Partners


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