As many organizations return to the office on a full-time or part-time (hybrid) manner, we are all learning how to lean into the future of work. I've included a few best practices on successfully moving to and working in the new model and would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. How have you and your team made returning to the office work for you?
- Make it compelling to be in the office: create meaningful encounters between employees and leaders- think opportunities for recognition, coaching, training and development, brainstorming or strategy sessions
- It takes practice- remembering how to get dressed (do my pants still fit?!), how long it takes to commute, planning for coffee or lunch (and recognizing your options may have changed for parking, coffee, lunch, happy hour, etc.)- but it does get easier (remember it takes 6 weeks to form a new habit!)
- Set expectations and communicate with your team or partners - be intentional about your time together… while chance encounters at the water cooler are awesome (and some of my favorite encounters), don't leave everything to chance, which leads me to…
- Plan your work. Going into the office? Schedule time to connect, walk around, hold a brainstorming session, go for a walk or coffee to network with a colleague. Have heads-down work to do? That might be a good work-from-home day.
- We have learned a lot over the last couple of years- carry those insights forward. Remember in the Before Time when a meeting would consist of a bunch of people in a room with a phone in the middle of the table and the people on the phone couldn't hear or get a word in edgewise? Yeah- let's not do that again. Many remote employees have shared they have felt far MORE engaged over the last couple of years because they finally felt like full members of the team. We need to facilitate and participate in meetings thoughtfully in order to nurture that kind of inclusive environment.
- Recognize what we and our teams appreciated about the last two years… getting the kids off the bus, taking the dog for a long morning walk, not fighting traffic. Empower our teams where we can to have control over how they plan their day.
- What traditions have we created over the last couple of years and want to keep? (hint: I LOVE seeing your kids and pets and don't ever want that to stop!) What have we missed over the last couple of years and should recreate? Celebratory lunches, perhaps, or office pranks (not that I have ever participated in any!). What new traditions should we create? I know a lot of teams who are doing Welcome Wednesdays as a day to connect in person, as an example.
- Lastly, have some grace with ourselves. We've collectively been through a lot and, frankly, still are. But, we are better together- virtually and in person!
So, what say you? I'd love to hear how your team is approaching returning to the office.?