Leaning on Heritage Tourism Can Help You Recover From the Pandemic
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You won’t want to miss out on the latest articles and resources for DMOs. Learn about how one destination is using heritage tourism to bounce back from the pandemic, how DMOs can cope with economic unrest, how to build a website that converts users into visitors and so much more. Keep reading!
Chester County Leans Into Historic Tourism to Help Rebound From the Pandemic
Chester County, Pennsylvania is reviving its historic tourism sector in effort to bounce back from the pandemic and help lead the greater area in celebrating the United States 250th commemoration. Working with county stakeholders, tourism officials hope to improve existing historical and cultural sites, build new information centers, cultivate connectivity between the areas and create a marketing strategy to increase the number of visitors.?
This is part of the region’s efforts to execute a comprehensive approach to tourism on the municipal level. Chester County will seek out stakeholders that will work with the contractors on this project, while also searching for a theme to group these sites and attractions together.
“The framework for our heritage efforts are outlined in our comprehensive plan, Landscapes3, and it’s got six goals and one is ‘appreciate.’ And that’s really about appreciating our history. This is helping implement that plan,” Brian O’Leary, the executive director of the Chester County Planning Commission, said.
DMOs should see Chester County as a real-life example of how a destination can turn to heritage to boost their tourism efforts. Chester County’s combination of a comprehensive approach and involvement of their stakeholders will set them up for long-term success. Read more.
The Three Rs for Thriving During a Recession
As inflation rises and people’s financial future looks less certain, tourism professionals have two options: see the bright side or see a glass half empty. Those who see a recession as writing on the wall are likely to curb their marketing efforts during low economic times, but this will hurt these marketers in the long run. Pulling back on your marketing efforts will just leave you further behind when the economy stabilizes again. This article from Travel Weekly highlights three strategies and examples that will help travel marketers stay positive and in a good position no matter what the economic conditions look like:
The pandemic and current financial situation are teaching destinations how to be adaptable and sustainable. Don’t be afraid to view difficult times with a half-full mentality! Read more.
Your Website Might Be Giving Visitors Trust Issues
When it comes to planning a vacation, an organized and informative website is vital in getting your website users to book a trip to your destination. When your website displays accurate information, quality photography and engaging content, it’s more likely they’ll decide to visit your destination. How do you make sure your site is trustworthy? There are several factors to consider.
Before committing to a new website project, it’s important to take the time to evaluate your website and ask yourself these questions:
Check out our webinar where our website and branding experts answer these questions and pave the way for a strategy that allows you to build trust with your visitors. This on-demand webinar will highlight the principles and functionality that make destination websites perform well and stand out. This will be a tactical webinar you won’t want to miss. For more information on how to make your website the best it can be, read this blog or this real-life case study.
10 Steps to Create an Amazing Paid Social Media Campaign
Paid social media is a vital building block in any destination awareness campaign, which means it’s important to know how to create winning ad sets. This article highlights a step-by-step guide for planning and executing your next social media ad campaign. Here are some steps to get you started:
No matter your social media ad goals, implementing these tips into your strategy will significantly increase the success of your campaigns. Read more.