Leaning into the future: Curious & Active
Eddie Obeng MBA, PhD, FAPM, PPL, Qubot
Add The Eddie Obeng Experience to Guarantee Your Entire Event, Ensure Take-Aways are Applied | New World Enterprise Polymath, Best-selling Author, TED Speaker, QUBE #VR Campus | Inspire-Educate-Provoke to Act |
Do you do this? At this time of the year I create a #wordle. I find all the predictions and advice froth 'Big Boys', publications like, The Economist, Forbes, the top consultancies, the major business schools and throw in popular items from the internet. and hit, 'Create Wordle!'
I get to see the buzzwords that will win me any game of BS bingo I should choose to play but more importantly, as a thought leader, it's a bit crucial that I can always match-then-pace before I lead. Sharing my leading-edge thoughts and successes, either goes straight over or triggers horrible cognitive dissonance - neither outcome is what I intend. So I need to know the current 'solution and match that, then I can tease people into taking a look at what their problem and opportunities might be BEFORE I can move on to provide real value to them. I refuse to be a typical consultant and borrow their watch and then offer to tell them the time.?
This year is going to be a tough one. The wordle is a complete gibberish. In 2021/2 you could discern lockdown effects, ESG, Diversity and Inclusion, the usual suspects you'd expect. 2023? Nothing. Take a look and see if I'm missing something.
I used a BlankGrid to map out the headlines and listed topics.?
It's likely the 'Big Boy' authors don't know what problems are being faced. Could it be a case of, just throw everything you have at the wall and see what sticks?
Is it about improving how we deliver today, ensuring results, leading and organising people? Perhaps inventing tomorrow or delivering tomorrow? Or maybe keeping external trends from overwhelming internal progress?
I wonder if the CEO's and C-Suite know the questions they need to answer but stayed schtum whilst being interviewed to keep competitive advantage.?
I already have five questions:
To reconnect with reality I would propose a broad discussion with the leaders in the organisation about the real opportunities, and real dangers. We would be curious throughout delivering into unknown areas without fear of embarrassment. And then we'd do an assessment of how close these are; present or future - I'd probably map them all on a Blank Grid.
Then I would Use the QID PET- brainstorming for the real and present opportunities and dangers the questions that must be answered. and from that what data needs to be captured.?
Now I would have a view of my #opportunities, #challenges and #problems. Only from here would I begin to even consider 'solutions'. Doing as little change with as much #impact as #fast as possible. Always bearing in mind...
Most of today's problems come from yesterday's poorly thought through solutions
I hope my motto for the year, helps you as much as I know it will help me...
Curiositas Sine Timore.
#Curiosity without #Fear
Actio Sine Lassitudine
...and if you have 12 minutes, my FULL video message