Leander Roadway Impact Fees
Pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 395 of Texas Local Government Code, the City of Leander (“City”) started the process of implementing a new roadway development impact fee (“DIF”) program. This was done through the advertising of a request for qualifications (“RFQ”) on the City website for a third party DIF study as shown below.??
The City current collects DIFs totaling $4,309 for water and $2,820 for sewer per unit for residential units with a 5/8” meter size as shown below.
Since 1994, the professionals at Launch Development Finance Advisors (“Launch”) have worked with the private sector to evaluate DIF studies prepared by jurisdictional consultants and have averaged a 24.7% reduction in DIFs reviewed.
For more information on how Launch may assist your company in reviewing DIFs contact Steven Saules at [email protected].
Launch is member of the Land Advisors group of companies.