LEAN Thinking And Its Benefits
Sridhar Jayaraman
Founder of BetterThanMyself.Online and jsridhar.com (Friend - Mentor - Catalyst - Advisor)
It is good to have some idea of what LEAN is all about. In very simple terms, LEAN constitutes providing value to the customer, perform timely deliveries and also ensure that the business is viable to you. ?
A number of tools and concepts have to be learned, absorbed and acted upon to achieve these seemingly simple features. But all of us know how challenging these are in real life. And that is where experts come in. And I am not one! Those hungry for more can avail FREE online learning sessions from LEAN MURALI using the link given at the bottom.?
But one thing is for sure. LEAN is not just a set of tools and techniques. It is a concept that has to evolve right at the roots of our thinking. That is why I prefer to call it LEAN THINKING than just Lean Tools.?
LEAN offers several benefits to an organization. Some of them are listed below:?
1.??????????Lean helps organizations to get rid of inefficiency and make teams reach their best performance levels.
2.????????It helps in understanding complex processes by breaking them into manageable elements.
3.????????It helps in developing better business and operational processes.
4.????????It helps Managements understand and set right priorities.
5.?????????It helps provide greater visibility of all activities and results to all concerned.
6.????????Productivity improvement is a certainty.
7.????????Lead Time reduction is a clear benefit.
8.????????Improved performance results in higher team morale than ever before.
9.????????Improved results become transparent and obvious to all stakeholders.
10.??????It helps effectively in reducing – and sometimes eliminating – costs.
11.???????It helps is making more sustainable delivery commitments to customers.
The list could go on and on and almost be endless. But the above should be convincing enough to persuade any entrepreneur or professional to get started in understanding and practicing LEAN right away.?
So why wait and lose time? Get started now. Talking of time, "TIME" is a very important concept in LEAN. We will explore more about "TIME" in a couple of weeks.?
See you next week.
Here's the link to my last week's article: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/porters-five-forces-sridhar-j/
?LEAN MURALI, my mentor in understanding LEAN, has a magnificent mission. His mission is to help one million young professionals become Lean Champions. Towards this, he conducts a weekly one hour online Knowledge Sharing Session where he explains Lean, Six Sigma concepts in a simple manner that is easy follow. He believes that spreading knowledge to hungry minds is no less than donating blood or feeding the poor. This is absolutely FREE and anyone can participate. Those interested in these free live sessions can opt to register through the following link: https://tinyurl.com/freelean. You can also share this link with any of your friends who may be interested and can benefit from it.