Lean into the pain points
If something doesn’t feel quite right with your book, whether a chapter or the flow, lean into it. Explore why.
The faster you can resolve it — whether it’s something to fix or not — the faster you’ll be able to move forward in confidence. Stuffing down your doubts and fears might help for the short-term, but in the end, it won’t make you feel more confident in the book. And when you move to editing, you’ll have to confront all of those unresolved feelings all over again.
Leaning into the pain points can help you write the strongest possible book. So be skeptical and doubtful. If something isn’t sitting right with you, figure out why. Trust me: you’ll thank yourself later.
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Words of wisdom
“If you are not afraid of the voices inside you, you will not fear the critics outside you.” -Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones