Lean Manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing

After a long road in the industry, I decided to educate myself on the principles of lean manufacturing by starting with understanding what it is and where it comes from. Lean manufacturing is a method developed by the Japanese company Toyota, and it is used in eliminating waste in a manufacturing system. Essentially, this practice aims to add more value to the structure by reducing everything else to improve the value of products and customer interaction.  

Canadian manufacturing companies have been trying to revise this process and address the growing needs of the production segment of the oil and gas industry. Lean manufacturing produces enormous improvements in efficiency, cycle time, productivity, material costs, and scrap, all of which leads to lower costs and a better competitive position. Gemini generates a higher ROI for our clients by taking this approach.

Doing more with less by employing “lean thinking”! 

~Popularized by James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones in their 1996 book 'Lean Thinking.' Also called lean production.

Less is more. Keeping the number of parts in a product down to a minimum will keep the manufacturing costs down and simplify the process. Involving manufacturing companies at the early stages will help align all common goals and make a more productive scope of work.

Gemini uses a process with the least amount of handling. Once material has been received, all materials are delivered to the respected disciplines, considering the progression of assembly. Where possible, work is planned at Gemini such that activities flow in one direction from start to finish, having functional services located central to all.

Designed for Efficincies

When designing a product, Gemini Fabrication likes to work up front with design teams to establish “Constructability”. With our large yard, we can build modules at the direction and heights that equipment will be positioned on location. This increases safety and reduces costs with logistics. Preplanning can increase our clients ROI. At Gemini we build long lasting partnerships.

Quality Engrained in the DNA! 

“Lean” indicates that the quality be built-in to the manufacturing process. This means from the design phase down to the packaging; quality should exist all throughout.

Gemini upholds a reputation for exemplary emphasis on quality. We apply unparalleled attention to detail, which allows us to consistently deliver products you can trust and rely on. We achieve this through our bottom up approach, quality starts on the shop floor. Everything from material management, quality assurance, and thorough employee training programs. This level of quality is a company wide value that is ingrained in the DNA of every employee. 

Eliminating waste! 

The main principle of lean is to eliminate waste. In the manufacturing environment, several forms of waste may be produced due to overproduction, unnecessary motion, inventory, defects, waiting, over-processing, and transportation. These types of waste can also be applied to different types of businesses. In the process of eliminating waste, it is important to investigate the diverse areas within the organization and determine the non-value-added work, so that it can be reduced or eliminated. Engaging Gemini's employees on roles and responsibilities with a clear path is important to our process. Our high performing team clearly communicates throughout all phases of fabrication to ensure efficient project execution on multiple projects simultaneously.

Just in Time production – commonly known as “JIT”

Basically, the just-in-time principle indicates that manufacturing companies should only make what is required, when it is required, stocking no inventory or very minimal, while considering the timeline of the product.

Gemini’s 54-acre facility specializes in custom fabrication. Our experience, attention to detail and commitment to quality allows us to offer superior fabrication and packaging of process equipment to all clients. Our knowledgeable workforce ensures the complete module is constructed at the highest possible quality by:

  1. Utilizing an inventory management system. The management of the tools & equipment, which includes preservation and maintenance.
  2. Gemini's existing clients allow us to pre load our labour force in advance. Leveled production is an important foundation in lean manufacturing. It emphasizes that the workload should be replicated. Having a core group of staff allows Gemini to move laterally very quickly to tackle the most complex projects.
  3. Gemini pre plans work to schedule each discipline, directly after the previous task is completed, ensuring a steady "FLOW".

By having plenty of space for client inventory, the receipt of free issue material can be stored at one place making it more economically feasible in logistics. As some long lead items are needed to be secured prior to fabrication, our 15-acre lay down yard ensures clients do not need to set up other staging sites if projects get delayed.

Gemini’s company culture “everyone” takes pride and ownership in the product we create

"We have made a commitment to quality and safety. Our purpose at Gemini is to ensure we offer supreme corporate governance through every level of the company towards this commitment. "

- Andy Farrow, President

Never stop pushing the needle on perfection.

It is critical that Gemini strives for a system of lean production and lean management. While lean manufacturing is easy to understand, it is often challenging to implement as it requires new viewpoints and management procedures throughout the value stream. Innovation can be utilized in all areas of a manufacturer’s business model. Lean thinking can be created around services, processes, distribution channels, and partner companies.

Gemini accomplishes jobs with speed and accuracy. High work volume can only increase efficiency. When we add more volume, this is where we develop a replication model suitable and adaptable on all models of the oil and gas industry.

Our dedicated staff believes in always being better today than you were yesterday. Feeling appreciated is one of the most important needs that people have. When you share your appreciation and gratitude with people, it goes a long way. Gemini believes in our team.

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Reference case studies can be found here: https://geminifabrication.com/case-studies/


 “A team you can count on. A product you can trust”

For more information:

Follow Gemini Fabrication on LinkedIn https://www.dhirubhai.net/company/gemini-fabrication/?viewAsMember=true for more articles to come.

About Gemini Fabrication:

Gemini Fabrication is committed to Building Momentum in the Canadian Energy Industry. With a 54-acre facility located in Ponoka, AB, Gemini Fabrication has enormous capacity to meet the fabrication needs of our clients. Utilizing a team of longstanding fabrication employees, Gemini Fabrication has recently evolved, the new leadership at Gemini Fabrication brings vision for reliable fabrication, creative solutions and industry-leading schedules. https://geminifabrication.com/

Jim Pascual, P.Eng., MBA

Operational Excellence Professional | Continuous & Performance Improvement

5 年

Well done with the Lean Thinking article, Travis Sharpe. It's wonderful to see a shop such as Gemini Fabrication on its Lean manufacturing journey and best of all - made in Alberta! Very happy to see terminology such as "flow", "waste elimination" and "constructability". Getting to quality and safety results depends on well-thought approaches such as these and making this part of the strategy. Keep it up! #leanmanufacturing, #leanthinking

Dr. Ahmed Farag, PhD, PEng

Director | Principal Engineer | Entrepreneur | Educator

5 年

Great article Travis

Ahzam Mohammad, P.Eng., PMP

Senior Manager at Deloitte

5 年

Lean manufacturing and continuous improvement are parts of?Gemini Fabrication's core identity. Thanks for posting this, Travis!

Tyler Hille

Founder & CEO at Rocket Grid Marketing

5 年

Nice article, Travis!?


