Leak: Intel to rely on TSMC for GPUs | Amazon, Ikea sued under Germany's supply chain law | Smurfit Kappa in talks over Colombia controversy
Welcome to Portfolio Intelligence Daily, where each weekday morning we spotlight under-the-radar investment themes involving supply chain issues
Summaries are curated by Auquan’s analyst team using our Portfolio Intelligence Engine to uncover investment insights at scale.
Leak: Intel to rely on TSMC for next-gen GPUs
Intel may intend to rely entirely on rival Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC) for the production of its next-gen GPUs.
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Amazon, Ikea, and Tom Tailor sued under Germany’s new supply chain law
Three organisations accused Amazon, Ikea, and Tom Tailor of violating the new German supply chain law by failing to conduct adequate safety checks on their suppliers in Bangladesh.
"We are convinced that the failure to sign is a violation of corporate due diligence. It is now up to the competent German authority, the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control, to consider the complaint. We very much hope that the authority will ensure that German companies' business practices will not contribute to deadly disasters like Rana Plaza in the future.” — Miriam Saage-Maa?, ECCHR lawyer and legal director (source)
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Smurfit Kappa in talks with Colombian communities over land dispute
Irish paper-based packaging company Smurfit Kappa is in mediated talks with indigenous communities in Colombia to resolve an ongoing land dispute that’s involved charges of land-grabbing, violence, and negative environmental impact.
“An Irish company should not be operating on indigenous land, should not be one of the biggest landowners in the Cauca and should not be damaging the planet.” — Alys Samson Estapé, a campaigner with environmental watchdog Ekō (source)
“This is an issue that has come and gone in our company for years. We have an absolute right to the land that we have, but we are prepared to negotiate and mediate with them. We are engaging with them and we will see where it leads. That’s what mediation is.” — Tony Smurfit, CEO of Smurfit Kappa (source)
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Tags: #smurfitkappa #colombia #esg
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