Leaducator June 2018: Recharge!
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
In his part of the world, Summer is almost upon us. This month, with Leaducator, we consider ideas around recharge, and rethink. For us at Epic Engage, such forms of self care are core to our notion of #hUmaNITY. Everyone belongs. Everyone matters. Everyone counts. That is best demonstrated in how we care for ourselves and others, now and going forward.
The Leaducator?
The Leaducator? is not simply a newsletter. Well, it is less of a newsletter; and more of one. It’s sole intent is to serve educators, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders who hold a world embracing vision; and see themselves as educators... understanding the great art, craft, science and profession that is education. Here, we help celebrate it, engage it, advance it, and share it. Indeed, in our last issue, we explored Justice and Joy.
The Inspiration
Meet Professor Rolf Hattenauer; the educator that changed my life. An expert in Human Resource Management… a master in advancing character. He expected much of us because he believed much in us. He prized learning, for excellence and for character. He was a leader and an educator… and he changed my life. That is another story.
But he inspired my work...
Epic Engage?
... is a global leadership development company with a vision and mission of working with world embracing educators, entrepreneurs, and emerging leaders to:
- educate and lead with character, strength and joyful excellence
- unite strong, diverse cultures of purpose, talent and capacity
- inspire learning cultures of flourishing creativity and growth.
Ultimately, The Leaducator? is about supporting such educators, entrepreneurs and leaders, locally and globally… at school, work, business and community. It is about offering thoughts and resources that might just make life simpler, better and cooler as educators and leaders. We invite you to have a read; past, present and future.
With that in mind and heart... I continue to be honored in sharing this initiative with my friend and colleague Trent Langdon.
Trent Langdon is all about finding identity & building ‘life legacy’ through character education, integrity-based living, and social-emotional development. He is a junior high school counselor for nearly 700 adolescents and is dedicated to serving his students, their families, and communities. In addition, Trent works on behalf of his colleagues to build identity, protect professional roles, and to give teachers ‘a voice’; he is serving as Vice-President of the Newfoundland & Labrador Teachers Association (NLTA) for the 2017-2019 term of office. Trent is also a Canadian Certified Counselor with the Canadian Counseling & Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). And last but certainly not least, Trent is a proud contributor to the Epic Engage? team and co-author of The Leaducator Experience?. Check out Trent’s blog.
Harnessing the "Dog Days of Summer"
Like music to my ears; "the dog days of summer". Interestingly, Becky Little of National Geographic explains:
"The “dog days,” I always thought, were those summer days so devastatingly hot that even dogs would lie around on the asphalt, panting. Many people today use the phrase to mean something like that — but originally, the phrase actually had nothing to do with dogs, or even with the lazy days of summer. Instead, it turns out, the dog days refer to the dog star, Sirius, and its position in the heavens. To the Greeks and Romans, the “dog days” occurred around the day when Sirius appeared to rise just before the sun, in late July. They referred to these days as the hottest time of the year, a period that could bring fever, or even catastrophe."
As educators, we are approaching the summer slumber after reaching the summit; our professional hibernation. After an academic year fraught with challenges, victories, hurdles, emotional highs and lows... we are almost there.
But seriously, how is your summer shaping up?
Whether the dog reference is accurate or not, there will be those hard-earned lazy days. I will be the first to embrace the unpredictability of an unscheduled day that can take on a life of its own. I do however, challenge you to intentionally approach your summer, proactively grounding yourself. What better time to reflect on what has been, what could have been, and what can be. I frequently reference a quote of John F. Kennedy's that has applicability here (and see above).
Here are some of my recommendations as you 'repair the roof' and take full advantage of your hiatus.
- Avoid the hesitancy to focus on professional learning. I always like to avail of one or two meaningful / productive experiences. They allow me to truly experience, with minimal interruption, while building my resume and perspective.
- Build your wellness routine through the summer. I choose to ensure ample time outdoors as well as get my heart rate elevated at least 2 or 3 times per week. The intention is for this regimen to carry its way into September.
- Maintenance - I need to accomplish something around the house and get a handle on those unfinished projects.
- Explore (enough said). I hope to pull new titles from obscure places to add to my vinyl collection.
- Volunteer - Teachers have a strong history of making significant volunteer contributions to their cities and communities. It is proven that helping has as much value for the helper as the helpee [sic].
- Create - My goal is to do some furniture antiquing and re-furbish!
- Concerts - Music (the healer of all).
- Vacation - get away, physically and emotionally.
- READ... just like your elementary teachers asked you to do over the summer. May I suggest: Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (Vancouver: Namaste Publishing, 1999).
And, never forget the words of Eckhart Tolle..."You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold." This could easily be the educator's mantra.
Yours in Integrity, Trent
I have been reflecting; a lot of late. With that in mind
First off, I invite you to read this post on Integrate to be Great. In it, I discuss the notions of distributive and integrative negotiations, and the virtue that is Cooperation. As an educator at the College level, I am ever increasingly intrigued by self-directed and fully engaged learning. We have course outlines and learning objectives to deliver upon. And, we must engage a diversity of platforms from lecture to facilitation to coaching. That being said, injecting elements of self-directed learning is powerful, if done well.
I believe and contend that the doing well of same hinges on integrative negotiations and that strength of character that is Cooperation.
Inviting partnership, trusting the power of unity, offering help and ideas freely... and having the humility to do so... that is Cooperation. Not doing it alone and having the enthusiasm for a common goal... that is Cooperation. I use that on certain projects and witness remarkable results based on the ownership and investment of my students.
Because of that, I am increasingly being drawn to a mix that is minimal lecture (there is a download of sorts that must needs happen), supported with integrative cooperation in the form of dialogue and discussion around the parameters of learning projects... with my support coming in facilitation, mentorship and coaching.
As you enter a possible summer break from the classroom... or as you enter that summer period (in the Northern Hemisphere anyway) as an entrepreneur re-strategizing, I encourage you to consider how you can even more manifest Cooperation and integrative negotiations in terms of the work you must accomplish in the classroom and beyond.
Indeed, I do encourage you to reflect, rethink and recharge. I plan on it myself... to look inside... to explore my music. I humbly suggest the same for you. Make this time count, because it does. I also invite you to check out last month's Leaducator on finding fit. And, I continue to recommend these links for your consideration.
- The Science of Character.
- The Character of Leadership
- Character is Critical
- The Virtues Project?
- 17 Free Resources Engaging Character with Epic Engage?
As we enter Summer 2018, I wish you sunny days (metaphorically and for real lol). And, as noted before... moving forward, we will continue to offer monthly issues... and be supporting same with online video and interviews in the months to come.
Stay tuned. Plans and actions are continuing to unfold. The intent is to offer space and time and resources to celebrate and advance great education and leadership.
We are hoping you stay with us.
Peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy?
Barry is ultimately a vocalist, strength coach and educator. His work is about exploring, identifying, practicing and mastering our strengths and building upon them through practical and powerful unity and resourcefulness. That is why Barry is The Unity Guy?. EPIC Engage? is an extension of The Unity Guy?. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work, business and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.
- Our work is all about character. We work hard and joyfully to help build character driven, united and resourceful organizations and communities around the globe. As part of that work, we offer you …
- our buffet of FREE services and resources here.