Leaducator 2020: Strength to Lead
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
In the Leaducator for November 2020, I shared on "go FAR"... and the practice of Fidelity, Accountability and Responsibility. This month, I first ask that you read:
Integrity and Character are joined at the heart. Of late, I have been conducting my own 42 Day Countdown around such and same ... with tomorrow being Day 23, and finishing a week long leg around Humility.
And this past Friday, I shared on Love and Infinacy.
All this is to say that the Countdown is about studying and practicing and understanding these words to the right.
This Countdown to 2021 is about better understanding how much character matters in the face of life, locally, globally and glocally. Our own personal challenges are better faced with Character. Our challenges at school, work, business and community are better faced. As educators and leaders, we are foundationally better equipped to serve and lead, by example; with Character.
Character is practiced. We learn of the virtues (those faces, facets and forms of Character)... we look for them and we practice them. We learn them by manifesting them. For example, let us take Integrity.
Read the card. Reflect upon it. Study it. Munch on it. Digest it. Now, imagine what it would look like in action... in countenance and gate. What would it look like in the classroom, on campus, at work or business, in the community... at home? Deconstruct and construct on it. Get clear and specific. Then execute. The execution is the example. And we need more in our lives, families, schools, businesses, workplaces and communities.
Read the articles linked above (and below). Ask yourself, "How can I better manifest Character going into 2021?" Then, do that.
... peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage
Lead, inspire, educate, and unite. Move forward together, stronger. My work is about bringing campuses, companies and communities together, moving forward stronger. I work with educators, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders to do just that. My work is about character leadership and education and its role in helping individuals and organizations build a better world at school, work, business and community. I deliver on it through speaking, coaching and development in character leadership and education. My expertise is character leadership and education. I advance unity in diversity by moving the needle on leadership and education that is high character and results forging. I speak, teach, coach, facilitate, lead, write, sing, dance, cartoon and create on that. In 1980, Professor Rolf Hattenauer changed my life. A highly respected expert in Human Resource Management, he expected much of us and he believed much in us. He was an educator and leader of high character. He was extraordinary. To this day and beyond, I try my darnedest to honor his spirit with my own work. That is another story. But I hope I did him service here.
AAAAAAAAND thoughts on character and leadership...
- Yes, we have launched TUGtv with the above in mind... in support of it all. To date, we have produced the following episodes with many more to come. We invite you to check them out. Here are our episodes up to and including November 2020.