Leads or Engagement?
Wikimedia Commons

Leads or Engagement?

Hi There,

Have been thinking about this topic for some time now- the best approach for digital marketing in a business enterprise - should it be engagement lead or 'lead' lead?

Face it , most organisations don't have the appetite or time to deeply invest in both.

Add media fragmentation , short attention spans , content overload- we have a ticking time bomb! To explain CTR, fewer impressions , fluctuating inquiries & organic traffic becomes a VIVA with an unhappy professor!

Being indicators of the convoluted customer journeys in this post social media world- how does one "sell" digital marketing to manage expectations? what goals should individuals & teams deliver for a positive impact on brand & the top line? should there be limitations &or candor about what digital marketing can deliver for the organisation?

I will be exploring such & other ideas here & hope fully it will be an enriching journey.

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