Leading the world with Xs and Os
It's the time of the year again when wise men say only fools rush in but I can't help sharing these thoughts with you. You read that right!
Gen-I is all set to find its true calling but on the way, they read something that Patricia Riddell, Professor of Applied Neuroscience at the University of Reading had shared in an interview with Stephen Fortune: “To be creative or share a new idea, you have to feel that there is a chance that it will be accepted: that someone will actually listen to you."*
So, here are some questions for you.
- Do you think you have been given the opportunity (Os) to test your experiments (Xs)?
- Do you think you look for the Os or create an X and double it up as an O?
- Do 3Xs in a row qualify as a win just like 3Os in a row in a game of tic tac toe?
Ooooo, that last line rhymed! :P
Okay, focus. Life may not be filled with hugs and kisses but it can be a series of XOXOs. My point is, no matter where you're at in your career, you will compare, critique, and cross-examine your Xs and Os.?So, I thought I'd share my TIC TAC TOE framework with you to help you get ready for 2023.
(T)est your knowledge
Before you take on that challenge, take a pause. If you want to stay ahead of the curve, you need to recollect the resources you have, understand what you need for success, and identify the suitable sources to get exactly what you need.
(I)dentify your strengths
What's that one thing you take pride in? What's that one skill you can share with others who look up to you for guidance? What's the one passion that will drive this entire project you wish to take on?
**Clue: Is it grit/determination/collaboration/problem-solving/persistence?
(C)hoose your people
It takes a village to make you successful. Finding the right mentors, right peers and right critics is integral to your success. Mind you, your mentor may not be a single person (This has been verified by Ankur Warikoo who encourages us to 'do epic shit'). Similarly, your critic can be your parent, your friend/ manager/ your colleague. A critic doesn't pull you down, they question your moves to check if you are confident about them.
I missed the peer part on purpose because I trust you with that judgment and while you may not always have the privilege to choose your team, this part nudges you to make the best of what your peers have to offer you. In short, surround yourself with people that inspire and push you to make mistakes and learn from them.
(T)weak the transformation
Why do you need to experiment in the first place? Did something change around you? Take that second pause and assess why you need to do what you think you should do. How will that help you improve the current situation? When the pandemic hit, restrictions made it difficult to travel to places far far away. The travel industry took the hit but just then they observed domestic travel getting popular. They needed to hop onto that trend and turn it into an opportunity to sustain their business. Voila! In a matter of a few weeks, we saw mailers and ads around favorable offers, flexibility for booking travel dates, and slashed prices for top hotel accommodations. The travel industry was back in business, just by tweaking its model to suit the global transformation.
(A)sk for help
Now that you have the support you need, in terms of people and resources, there's one thing you cannot prepare for. Change. Seasons change and so do socioeconomic conditions. Wait, does that mean you experiment during your experiment? Absolutely! Why? Because, that's your opportunity to ask for help and revisit your plan when you thought you were set up for success, come what may.
(C)hange the lens
Things had just started to become a bit more interesting when you had to change the lens. The good news is that's a good thing. You get the opportunity to view a certain situation from a different angle, which further exposes you to opportunities that would have been missed otherwise. Recent news revealed that the thumbs-up emoji, which had been widely used by millennials, has been dismissed by Gen Z. That took social media by storm as much as it baffled the advertising gurus.
According to the New York Post, members of Generation Z perceive the thumbs-up emoji to be a passive-aggressive retaliation to anything posted by someone in the workplace. * Yikes! We've got to be careful now.
(T)hank them often
Thank who? Here's your list. Pat yourself on the back for taking this initiative and getting started. Thank the people who invested their time/ trust/ true spirits in your venture. Thank the ones who didn't give you a green light on every roadblock because you wouldn't be in a better place, had they not paused you to change gears.
(O)pt for growth
When you are working on one thing after another, you may miss out on the bigger picture. I choose growth every time I take on a task or start an experiment or get nominated for an opportunity. Choosing to grow with every X and O is the reason this TIC TAC TOE framework works. What keeps you going in an experiment is when you can measure the impact it has had on you, your business, your situation, or your people. As you make your way to ease into the experiment, don't forget to underline the metrics to gauge if your Xs have been an O for growth.
(E)ase into the experiment
Either you're the owner of the experiment or you are the people they choose to support them during the experiment. So, the only way to prepare yourself is to let go. Ease into the experiment so you can hop onto the opportunity to learn and grow from your efforts. Remember, a framework is scalable only when you're open to revising it and an experiment works despite external alterations because you're ready to manipulate certain factors to nullify or accommodate for the changes.
When you set up your Xs (experiments) for success, use the Os (opportunities) to observe, operate, and eventually outperform. Are you saying yes to the X?