Leading without AUTHORITY

We heard much about "leading without a title" what necesssarily means leading without absolute authority and vested power.

Do you think wihtout a title leadership is still lucrative ?

What about result and responsibility ? is leadership possible without result ? How they will know they are leading well?

When authority is stuctured in a matrix or process, why someone will look for absolute authorty ?

Just to speed up things ? Or to escape accountability?

A balanced leadership will bring in more heads in a decision making process and still it will be reasonably faster if competent people are there.

Collective competency is powerful with discipline.

Disciplines never slows things down it make things faster when repeatative things are done.

Leading without AUTHORITY is possible with good management system.

Management system makes dialogues possible when it is neded.

Authority empowers comeptent people to take decisions without regret and it builds trust, promotes trust and it is healthy for the individual and for the organization.




