Leading teams in challenging times

Leading teams in challenging times

I currently meet so many leaders of teams that are struggling to be the leader that they want to be for their team while at the same time feeling just as lost and struggling to keep up motivation as their team, and seeking a sense of purpose within constant transformation and reorgs.

A client of mine challenged me to write a list of tips for being a good leader for their team during these difficult times and constant transformations. After having a look at other lists, and thinking about what I have learned from people I have worked with I came up with this list of ten tips in an unspecified order. Some might be more relevant than others depending on your context, and many of you will find things you want to add. To the latter, I agree, however this is where I chose to draw the line in this context without it needing to be the perfect answer or list.

Hopefully there will be one or two points for you to focus and reflect on that helps you get clearer on what needs to happen for you and your team, and it is always interesting to see how one or two things spill over and have a positive effect on many more… so here they are:

  1. Set the bar; use the fact that you are being seen ?You cannot not communicate? as Watzlawick said it. As a leader you set the tone for your entire team. People will look to your actions as a model for their own. It’s important to role model positive energy, accountability, humility and other values that set the foundations for the organization and team. Steer clear of cynical comments, show that you care as a human being , not just on a professional level, and try to frame challenges ways of growing even if it is hard work.?
  2. Acknowledge challenges and display empathy We live through challenging times and this causes worries and uncertainty. As a manager, empathy is key during times of crisis. Check in, listen with care and curiosity, and work with your team to find solutions on how to manage work and life priorities.?
  3. Communicate more than you think is enough (and then some) Share relevant information in real time and encourage your team to raise concerns and ask questions. Even if you don’t have all of the answers, be transparent with your team and demonstrate that you are doing your best to figure it out together with them.??
  4. Set clear guidelines and expectations Invite team members to create boundaries for themselves and focus on their mental and physical wellbeing, whether that be making time for exercise, meditation or other activities. This also means creating clear expectations for their work and what arenas they need to be present on when. A team contract is a great way to start.
  5. Help your team operate with clear priorities towards a common goal Are we working towards common goal? What is it and how can I contribute towards it? These questions need to be answered. Take time to get clear on what priorities should be, acknowledging it is often unrealistic to be on top of everything. Communicate individual roles to a larger purpose; team, company, community. Listen to and share past experiences that might be relevant or adapted for the times ahead, and remember each of your team members will have a different way of structuring the way they work in light of personal circumstances. Having an open conversation and collectively finding a solution will allow them to operate at the best of their ability and see how it contributes to our common goal.
  6. Listen It is more important than ever to take time to listen without needing to know the answer but to see the landscape and reflect on what you have heard, learning to be comfortable with uncertainty. Listening to people, both in your team, organization and outside, goes a long way. Being open to listen lets you maneuver the opportunities and challenges you face in the best way possible.
  7. Acknowledge what is within and what is outside of your control. We need to focus our efforts on where we can have an impact. As the old saying goes ?grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,?the courage to change the things I can,?and the wisdom to know the difference.? Help yourself and your team see where they might have an impact or influence important decisions and where we need to? build robustness for what is outside of our control, making sure we prioritize the areas with the biggest impact for us.
  8. Gratitude and humility Demonstrating gratitude increases your sense of wellbeing and ability to manage stress. Especially in challenging times, when people are more stressed and face increased pressure try to remind yourself and your team to say ‘thank you’. Also, it is important to acknowledge the path we have travelled and not just the path ahead, and believe that everyone is doing their best. This way it becomes a team effort of reaching a challenging goal together. This also helps fight the loneliness that so many are struggling with today.
  9. Always be a learner Finally, setting aside time to learn and stay sharp both for your self and your team can be a game changer over time, and it is up to you to make sure this becomes a part of the teams DNA. Most companies have many resources available to support their people, whether it be in-house or external ones. It is important to make sure the team is aware of these resources and feel comfortable using them.
  10. Find your own way Be true to yourself and your path and act with integrity. This is for sure an overused and often simplistic platitude. However, it is also something we need to look after for ourselves, and also for being an inspiration for the people around us. If I am not leading myself in a direction I find meaningful, then how can I be a good leader for others?

Like I said at the beginning, this is by far a complete list, but hopefully it has given you an idea or two.... But, what tips or reflections would you want to add?

Abdirazak A.

Global Roving Finance_Fair Share Adviser MBA Finance

4 个月

Per, your leadership course i attended between 2022-2023 was very helpful. Thank you for all the tips in managing time, pressure and self awareness


