Leading With Purpose.
Ebenezer Amankwah-Minkah
Management Consultant | Financial and Monetary Economics Researcher & Policy Analyst | Entrepreneur
Contrary to popular opinion, I do not subscribe to the notion that Africa lacks leaders. In my experience, travelling and engaging with many across the continent, I believe that Africa has just about as many leaders as any other continent, if not more.
For starters, our cultural settings, family relations and religious setup establishes varying stratums - family, community, cell, organisational, national etc.
Each of these structures has leaders with equivalent responsibilities.
So if we have leaders, at various levels of our society, why is our collective progress so slow? An acquaintance asked me over dinner a few days ago when I brought the issue up.
My response was simple: a good number of those in leadership positions are not leading with purpose and that is where the challenge lies.
To lead with purpose means that there is an endgame, an audacious ambition or an imagined progressive and collective future that improves the lives of those you lead.
To lead with purpose requires taking full responsibility for those you lead – shaping their collective aspirations and taking them where they ought to be.
Across Africa, there is evidence of leaders with bold ambitions making a real difference in the lives of their followers. They are thinking long term and investing ahead of the curve to deliver against their visions for their people.
Although they may be in the minority at present, the examples and success stories from these leaders are inspiring others to be purposeful in their leadership in order to deliver the outcomes required for their people.
Are you a leader? ask yourself these questions:
1. Do I have a clear vision of a desired future for my people?
2. Am I doing everything in my power to ensure that desired future is realised?
3. Am I carrying my people along? Do they understand where we need to be and how we will get there?
If you answered yes to these questions, you are on the path to leading with purpose.
As leaders, we owe it to the current and future generations to lead purposefully in order to transform Africa’s development and to create a prosperous future for all Africans.
Take that bold step today – lead with purpose.
Seen an example of exceptional leaders leading with purpose? Share, let’s celebrate them.