The Leading Lady, A play in Three acts by Angeliki Zaphiropoulou
Claire, an incomparable Leading Lady, in London, is married to Ralph, a stage director.
Joy, an actress and Ralph's childhood friend, envious of their happiness, cunningly
persuades Rebecca, her attractive niece, to feign being in love with Ralph. The romance
of unsuspicious Ralph with Rebecca stirs Claire. Away from public scrutiny, Claire
learns to approach life in a humane way at a villa in Kinetta, in Greece. Ellen, her
faithful maid-dresser and George, a gifted for the flute autistic boy, Ellen's nephew,
stay with her. Despite their old age, Ellen and Andrea, the gardener, fall in love.
Learning to his cost, Ralph joins them unexpectedly. Will Claire's and Ralph's
hearty involvement in the autistic cause be beneficial for their stormy relationship?