Leading with Intent
Nick Thompson
I develop, execute and deliver business growth plans that add real value
We have an unusual financial year in that we end on 31st October, which means I am getting ready to enrol the team in developing next year's business plan. That may sound a bit scary in April, but that is the way we roll. So here is my ambition for next year, let me know what you think. I have invested a lot of energy and time in developing our Heads of, Managers, Team Leaders and people. My dearest wish is that we have got to the level where I have a full team of leaders ready and willing to take ownership, be accountable and execute operationally. In this blissful land I can set out my Intent to grow the business at revenue, margin and EBITDA levels and watch the guys make it happen through a focused business plan, dynamic execution and precision KPI's. Co-creation, autonomy, controlled goal setting, could we be onto a winner? I'll keep you posted on progress.