Leading From Home (We’re still doing this?)
As I mentioned in my last post, I was honored earlier this year to host a discussion series in partnership with The Female Quotient entitled? "Lift As We Climb." Named after the inspirational quote from Mary Church Terrell, the Black activist for civil rights and suffrage, the series took that theme into the realm of women’s leadership, featuring both established and emerging women executives sharing what they’ve learned along the way.
Across all four discussions, the subject of leading in these crazy times came up. And for good reason: here we are, on the verge of the fourth quarter of 2021, still remote. Still making risk-reward calculations left and right. Still living -- much less leading -- through a global pandemic. And it’s hard. (And also maybe has some silver linings.)
?Whatever your take, it’s clear that our work lives are in the midst of a transformation, with the lines between our personal and professional lives continuing to blur. Let’s be clear: I don’t have the answer to the perfect in-person/hybrid/remote blend! Of course, some flexibility from the 9-5 (or let’s be honest, 7-7?) bonds was overdue. And also, of course we seem to get something out of being physically together. I’ll leave that mix to some HR experts and clever takes, of which there are many at the moment.
?The part that interests me is how do we lead through this transformative moment? I thought some of the themes that came up in my conversation with Sharon Silverstein of Snap, Jill Toscano of Walmart, and Denise Bailey-Castro of BET Networks were really insightful.
?Of course there are the (valuable!) tips and tricks -- things like Sharon mentioned about starting meetings 5 mins after the hour to let people meet their basic needs between meetings, or Jill’s invention of creating meeting free “zones” for your team to define (instead of trying for full meeting-free days, which seem hard to protect) or Denise’s idea of letting people create their own rituals to make space for what energizes them, be it a workout or switching the video off to take the call while walking the dog. I’m guessing by this point, you and your organization have tried out a few things to see what works and what doesn’t, for you.
?What really struck me, though were some deeper themes that emerged beneath the surface of our chat that were ultimately about focus and self-awareness:
?Focus and attention seem to be my mainstays in this crazy time. I wonder: what’s working for you? Would love to hear in the comments.