Leading Factions

Leading Factions

From the desk of CSM Thompson????

Good morning. It’?time for another one of my periodic leadership rants.?

In June 2024, I attended the Texas State Guard annual Leaders Conference in College Station along with NCO and officer leadership from across the organization. The keynote speaker for the opening session was Captain Bruce Hamilton, USN (ret.). He currently serves as the President and CEO of the Texas Aggie Corps of Cadets Association. Hamilton, who has had multiple decades of experience in the military, nuclear energy field and government, spoke to the assembled Service Members about leading across factions. I am going to use part of his speech as the foundation of this Leadership Rant.?

In his speech, Captain Hamilton? covered 7 points. As I always do in my rants, I will list each of these points and then discuss them based on my perceptions and experiences. But before I get to Captain Hamilton’s 7 points, let’s look at some definitions.?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, factions are “small, organized dissenting groups, especially within a larger party.” Another definition, from Mirriam-Webster defines a faction as “a party or group (as within government) that is often contentious or self-seeking: clique.”??

The last word in the Mirriam-Webster definition is “clique”, which is defined as a narrow or extensive circle or group of persons especially: ones held together by common interests or views.??

Now that we have defined what factions are and further defined a clique, we can get into the 7 points Captain Hamilton stresses when, as a leader, you encounter factions with those you are charged with leading.??

1. Like or not...factions exist. This is a true statement. Factions can be those informal groups in the work site or within the platoon.? The formal leaders squad leaders or platoon sergeants. There are also informal groups that have their own leadership hierarchy. These are groups of people come together usually based on some common interest or characteristic. Persons of a specific ethnic or cultural background usually find those that share the same background and a “faction forms. Or the “gearheads” get together to discuss the latest innovation in turbochargers or modifications for their vehicles. In each of these groups, an informal leader emerges. They are not voted on or appointed, but through charisma, or leadership qualities, that person becomes the leader of the group. Everyone else in the group looks up to them and listens to what they have to say. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on the situation.??

2. Not all factions are evil...though some are. Most factions are positive in nature. They foster teamwork in the group and sometimes are the source of friendly rivalry between that group and others. Many times, the informal leader of the group or faction will take new members and show them the ropes. This helps produce positive morale for the new member and the entire informal group. When morale in the informal group is high, it spreads to the rest of the team and fosters mission accomplishment, which is the ultimate goal of leadership. These are all things that happen when factions are good. Looking back at the Oxford definition of factions, it states that factions can be contentious or self-seeking. It is when factions take on this persona that they can cause an issue with leadership. Sometimes those informal leaders think they know better than formal leadership what is best for their group or the organization. This is when things can get ugly. These group leaders will often push back on decisions made by the formal leaders, causing friction between the informal group and the legitimate leadership. This can spell disaster for unit cohesion, morale and mission accomplishment. There are other times that the informal group will band together to show their allegiance to a specific person, forgetting their responsibility to support the organization's goals. A perfect example of this was in Nazi Germany during World War II. Members of the Wehrmacht were required to swear their allegiance to Hitler, and not the country’s constitution. We can see how that worked out for the country.??

As leaders, we have our work cut out for us. First, we must work towards keeping those positive factions moving in the direction of the good of the organization. The benefits to this are so numerous, it is hard to list. At the same time, when we see factions moving in the other direction, leaders must move swiftly to stop it in the initial stages. Much like many diseases, if caught early, they are easily treatable. But, if they are allowed to fester and metastasize, by the time action is taken, it could be too late. Captain Hamilton’s 3rd point discusses how to navigate this situation.?

?3. Build trust early. Captain Hamilton says the key is trust. As a leader you want your team to know they can trust you. Not only what you do, but what you say. Trust is important and it needs to be mutual. When your team trusts you, they are willing to do whatever is necessary (within reason) to complete the task. A trusting relationship will also empower the team be honest with their leader and let them know when they are doing something that may not be quite right. A leader that trusts their team will allow them to operate independently, only checking to see if they need anything periodically. This empowers the team to utilize their informal hierarchy to ensure the job is done. Leaders that don’t trust their team turn into micromanagers, and almost everyone dislikes micromanagers. Here are just a few examples of how to build trust in your team:??

a. Communicate with your team and be transparent in that communication. Make sure they have as much information as possible. Sometimes you may not have a complete picture, or you may not be able to relay all of what you know. Give the troops everything you can. Be transparent when sharing information with your team, and if you don’t know something, say you don’t know but you will find out. Don’t make stuff up.??

b. Be consistent with your dealings with personnel. A leader that is hot and cold makes it hard for troops to trust them. When someone has mood swings it makes troops feel as if they need to walk on eggshells around you. You don’t have to be happy all the time, but don’t come in every day mad at the world either. Consistency is the key.???

c. Don’t show favoritism and deal with conflicts consistently. Make sure similar violations are dealt with similarly. Of course, how you deal with the situation also depends on the violator’s experience and rank. A PFC would not get the same punishment that an SFC would get for a similar violation. The SFC should know better. But a leader cannot let personal feelings come into play. AS the NCO Creed says, “be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and punishment.”?

d. Be accountable, if you are going to hold your team members accountable, you should do the same for yourself. Lead by example. This means your actions, bearing and how you wear your uniform. You cannot correct someone’s appearance if your uniform and bearing are not flawless.??

e. Recognize and reward good work. Set motivating goals and let them know when they have reached the goal. Develop a Soldier of the Quarter program, or Certificates of Appreciation. Many of our troops are happier with a certificate they can frame and put on their wall than an award for a uniform they may never wear or even purchase.?

Regarding building trust, Captain Brad Geary, former Naval Special Warfare Development Group (SEAL Team 6) Operator and former Commander of the Naval Special Warfare Basic Training Command talks about “proportional accountability.”. He says, “we can’t be reckless with our trust.” When someone messes up, it may be an opportunity to fix it at the lower levels and not get higher headquarters involved. Geary says that when leaders provide proportional accountability, people will recognize that they can survive a mistake because leadership looks at it as a teachable moment. He says that sometimes when people mess up, they can learn from the mistake and not only recover but thrive. That is another way a leader can build trust in their troops. When they know that if they make a small mistake, they won't be left out twisting in the wind they are more apt to trust their leadership. Just remember that standards don’t get dropped, but if you have someone that is not reaching that standard, leadership can help them when they mess up. This does not mean covering up or sweeping major issues under the rug. Just the opposite. Sometimes the best way to fix a severe problem is to let the process work. Proportional accountability means that those of higher rank and experience get less slack for their missteps because they should know what right looks like. Finally, Geary says “there are a lot of leaders out there that say ‘you’ve gotta earn my trust.’ Ok, it’s bilateral though. As a leader, we have to earn their trust, and what does that mean? It means I’m not gonna kneejerk react and not gonna lop a dude’s head off for making a small mistake. We’re going to provide the opportunity to fall forward. We’re gonna both learn from this.”??

4. Understand others’ interests, not just positions. This one is twofold. The first part goes back to the Leader Books that every leader should keep with information about their troops. When you have knowledge what someone cares about, it shows that you care about them. Even if you are not interested in anime, if you have a troop that really likes it, let them spend a few minutes telling you about it. This also goes to what has brought that informal group together.? If you have that group of “gearheads” that are out looking under the hood of their cars at lunch, go out and talk to them. You don’t have to know the first thing about cars, but if you let them talk, their trust in you as a leader will increase because you have shown an interest in what like. But what about their individual gold as far as the organization is concerned. Do they want to get a commission and be an officer? Maybe the individual’s goal is to become a First Sergeant, or CSM. By understanding their goals it will allow you to steer them in the right direction...further building their trust in you as a leader. This way you are showing that you care about what they are interested in as well as where they want to go, not just the fact that they are part of an ETN team or a squad leader. You also must look at each faction's collective interests. What is it they want from the organization? Do they have a goal? What do they want from their leadership? Nearly every faction has organizational goals. Whether it is perks for themselves or changes to existing policies, they exist. By learning what the factions’ desires are, you can start working toward your ZOPA, which will be discussed later.??

5. Know your own interests. When discussing this point, we are not talking about your hobbies or pastimes. When talking about your interests, we are talking about what drives or motivates you. Why are you in that leadership position? What are your personal goals regarding advancement? The hope is that you are the leader driven to ensure the mission is accomplished quickly and efficiently. The goal is to be a leader that is motivated to develop their troops into leaders that want the organization to be successful.? (If your interests do not point in this direction, there is a chance that you could find yourself being pulled into one of those “evil” factions discussed in point #2.) When you know your interests and you understand the collective interests of each of the factions under your command, it is a good place to start for the next point Captain Hamilton discussed.??

6. Look for the Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA.) The Air Force’s Practical Guide to Negotiating in the Military defines the ZOPA as “the area between each party’s aspiration and reservation points which defines their own bargaining range.” The publication further states that “Critical to this definition is understanding that any overlap between two parties’ bargaining ranges defines their ZOPA.” In other words, ZOPA where the interests of the two groups intersect. This tool, used primarily in negotiations, can also be used when dealing with members of factions you are leading. The previous two points discussed “interests.” Those covered were the leader’s interests and the individual team members’ interests. Both personal and professional. The collective interests of the faction were also discussed. Factions will have their own agendas. Many times, while their agendas are not bad, they may not exactly line up with that of the leader or organization. There is usually a ZOPA, an area where the leader’s or organization’s agenda and the faction’s agendas converge. As a leader, it is important that you find the ZOPA and bring it to bear when dealing with the different factions you may encounter. Believe it or not, there may even be a ZOPA between the leader and one of those “evil” factions. By leveraging the ZOPA, the leader may be able to move that faction towards “the light.”?

7. Say the serenity prayer. Anyone that is or has known a “friend of Bill W.” or has seen any movies or television shows in which characters are involved in Alcoholics Anonymous, knows the serenity prayer. While there are several versions of it, this one seems to be the most prevalent. It says, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,? the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference” These 27 words can be a leader’s best friend. A lot of people get wrapped around the axle about things that are completely out of their control. They spend so much time worrying about those issues that they miss taking care of those things that they can change. A leader needs to know the difference between what they do and do not have control over and let those things they cannot control go. No matter how hard it is to see something happen that you don’t see as being “right”, if you cannot change it, don’t try. Sometimes, changing those things within your purview will lead to things “up the chain” being changed. A good leader must focus on what they can change. Sending suggestions up the chain is an option, but don’t get upset when that suggestion is not implemented or is not done in your timeframe. Remember, you have the 500-foot view of things, and your view is limited. Higher headquarters has a 30,000-foot view, which is a whole lot broader.?

Leaders will be faced with multiple challenges throughout their careers. While many troops will be positive and accept leadership, others will challenge the leader’s style or authority. All of these groups are part of factions must be effectively led. How leaders react to the challenges these factions offer up, especially those with differences of opinion with leadership, will test the leader’s ability.??

In the book About Face, COL David Hackworth, USA (ret.) talked about a unit he took over in Vietnam. This unit was a true test of Hackworth’s leadership. They were a mix of volunteers and draftees who had , at best, questionable leadership before he arrived. They had become slack in their appearance, tactics and attitudes. They had picked up the nickname of “Hard Luck”. Factions ran amuck in the battalion and troops broke basic tactical principles like smoking on patrol and violating noise discipline. The unit had racked up a large casualty count (40% in the 6 months prior to Hackworth’s arrival). They were demoralized and really didn’t want to fight.??

According to Hackworth, “The men of the 4/39 had no unit identity, and no pride in themselves. As a first step toward rectifying this I decided to call my hard-luck battalion ‘the Hardcore,’ and the troops ‘Recondos’ (the latter being just the nickname of the 1st Brigade, 9th Div, of which the 4/39 was a part.)” Hackworth spent months replacing officers and NCOs and working? with the remaining leadership to instill pride and professionalism in the unit. This was not a popular course of action with many of the troops. At one point, there was a rumor of a bounty put on Hackworth’s head by his own troops. Hackworth kept on and little by little, his plan worked. In the end, by instilling discipline and working with those factions, finding ZOPAs with some factions and destroying others, the 4/39 turned around and became one of the best infantry units in Vietnam at the time. Hackworth said it was not easy, but he was able to bring the unit to a point where it was well above the standards and respected by other units as well as the enemy. More importantly, their casualty rate dropped dramatically.??

Putting diverse groups of people together will always create different subgroups, factions if you will. Whether it is because of cultural similarities, hobbies, or ideologies; it’s human nature for people to group together. How a leader handles these factions will be the key to having a well-run, highly motivated organization. Sometimes, finding a ZOPA with a faction is the key. Work with the informal leaders to try to come to common ground. Other times the ZOPA may not be reachable. If this is the case, it may be time to remove the informal leader or leaders of the faction from the equation for the good of the unit. When this must be done, ensure that the appropriate documentation has been completed. Remember that this is not about someone that has made you mad because they did not do what you wanted. It is about someone who has goals that are not in line with those of the organization. Removal of a leader is the last step after every other measure has been attempted and failed.??

In his leadership training classes, former?Navy SEAL Lieutenant Commander Jocko Willink, USN (ret.) discusses something called “leadership capital.” Leadership capital is defined as “the measure of the resources you have to influence others to achieve your goal.” It’s like a bank account. Every positive interaction with the troops adds to that account. There will be times that a leader is going to have to withdraw heavily from their leadership capital account. If that account is not being constantly built up, it can quickly become overdrawn. By learning to lead these factions and following the 7 steps that Captain Hamilton provides, a leader can ensure they have enough leadership capital in their account when it becomes necessary to use it.??

A final note on informal groups within the organization. While they can be good, leaders need to ensure that members of these groups also spend time with their squads or teams. When informal groups stick together and exclude others, negative feelings between members of different factions could lead to friction within the platoon or company. A good leader ensures their personnel are mixing with all members of the team to ensure unit cohesion, while not stopping these informal groups from forming. It’s a delicate balance.??

This brings me to the end of this Leadership Rant. I would like to thank Captain Hamilton for allowing me to use his seven points in this one. I hope I did him justice with my spin on his ideas. I also hope that I wasn’t too far off base. As always, thank you for taking the time to read this Leadership Rant and I will finish this Rant as I do with all of them. MISSION, MEMBERS, ME!!!!!!!?



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