Leading Edge - Senior Leaders Newsletter, March 2025
Spring is certainly in the air and we are enjoying the beginnings of the longer evenings. We hope that you all managed to get some rest over half term and are looking forward to the term ahead. March is a busy month for schools starting today with the National offer day and Year 6 children finding out which school they will be attending next year.
This newsletter aims to keep you on top of all the news that impacts you as a school leader with the most important updates, a few tips on what you should be focusing on this term, and resources to support you.
7th:?Deadline for registering pupils for KS2 SATs and submitting applications for early opening
15th: Deadline for VA and Foundation schools to publish admissions arrangements for Sept 2026?entry on website, and send a copy to LA
15th: Deadline for Academy Trusts to submit their School Resource Management self-assessment checklist
24th-28th: Receive optional KS1 test materials, including any modified test orders
31st: Deadline for Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) submission
Ex-inspectors launch 'alternative big consultation' on Ofsted report cards
Former senior Ofsted inspectors behind the 'alternative big listen' last year have launched their own consultation on new inspection plans, fearing the watchdog is asking leaders to 'take it or leave it'. The online survey, which mirrors Ofsted's consultation, can be found here and closes on April 4th.
Read the article: Ex-inspectors launch 'alternative big consultation'
Meanwhile, Ofsted are to trial their inspection proposals with 240 'visits'. The inspectorate said its visits would 'provide an early opportunity for our inspectors to become familiar with the main features of the new approach'. All the visits will be voluntary, meaning schools approached to take part can decline.
Read the article: Ofsted to trial inspection proposals
Get support: Know my School - Transform your school's self-evaluation and improvement planning, while ensuring a healthy work-life balance.
Britain has 7,000 fewer PE teachers since London 2012 Olympics, MPs told
30% of children are now doing less than 30 minutes of any physical activity - including walking - a day, while there are 7,000 fewer PE teachers than in 2012. These were the shocking figures that were spelled out in the first session of the digital culture, media and sport committee's inquiry into the challenges of the provision of sport for children and young people.
Read the article:
Get support:
Striver was created with the sole purpose of improving primary aged pupils' long term physical and mental wellbeing. It includes a whole scheme of work for EYFS-Y6 with over 400 PE lessons, supported by 6 wellbeing units, all housed in a clever website and app that makes planning and assessment a breeze.
Other News
Packs and Guides for this month's events
Take a look at these packs and guides to help support teachers with this month's events and celebrations:
Developing Early Computing Skills in EYFS: 11th March at 4:00pm
Computing Lead Meet Up: 18th March at 4:00pm
Bring BSL to Life in your School with Signature and Purple Mash: 18th March at 4:30pm