Leading Change: Gender Equality as a Prominent Topic at the BERLIN ENERGY TRANSITION DIALOGUE

Leading Change: Gender Equality as a Prominent Topic at the BERLIN ENERGY TRANSITION DIALOGUE

The Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD) is one of the key conferences in the renewable energy sector, gathering ministers and high-ranking delegations from more than 75 countries, as well as representatives from business, science, and civil society to debate concrete solutions for the energy transition. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz ’s global project Bilateral Climate and Energy Partnerships and Dialogues, in which scope the Women Energize Women campaign is implemented, is contributing to the increasing interconnectedness and collaboration for forwarding the energy transition worldwide.

We are thrilled that this year, the whole BETD week, which took place from 18th to 22nd of March 2024, prominently featured gender issues showcasing the increasing importance of the topic! Several panels and networking events put inspiring female leaders in the spotlight, uncovered best practice examples of policies strengthening the role of women in the sector, underlined the role of women’s networks, and much more. Women Energize Women not only supported various events but also used the conference to strengthen and widen its networks.

Empowering Energy: Gender Equality in the Evolution of Green Hydrogen in Latin America and the Caribbean

Starting off, Monday’s panel discussion at the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) “Empowering Energy: Gender Equality in the Evolution of Green Hydrogen in Latin America and the Caribbean” set the scene for an empowering conference. The pre-BETD event shed light on one of the missing links to materialize the energy transition with low carbon emissions: gender equality in the green hydrogen sector. Stefan Wenzel , Parliamentary State Secretary at the BMWK, Sabine Amirdschanjan , Representative of the European Commission , Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven , Managing Director at 德国国际合作机构 , and Katrin Uhlig , member of the Deutscher Bundestag inspired us with their opening words. Prominent speakers from the LAC region – among others Michelle Bachelet , former President of Chile and Elisa Facio , Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay – shared success stories and learnings from Latin America and the Caribbean on how to move forward, bringing female expertise in the energy sector. Women Energize Women was excited to support this important event, organized by our colleagues from GIZ ConoSur (Argentina, Chile, Perú) together with the Ministerio de Energía Chile and the OLADE - Organización Latinoamericana de Energía and co-financed by Team Europe of the EU Commission and the BMWK.

Meeting with young female leaders ?

The first official BETD day marked prominent support for the cause of a gender equal energy sector by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Dr Robert Habeck . The minister met with the 'Young Keynote Speakers’ Amal Ridene , Nidhi Pant , and Kadija KIBA SIMBORO , from India, Tunisia, and Burkina Faso discussing how the global energy transition not only fosters climate protection, but also the social participation of women and development in rural areas.

Just Transition & Gender - Leave No One Behind

During the second day of the BETD, a prominent panel explored how to make the transformation ahead of us equitable and inclusive and treat it as an opportunity to dismantle structural disadvantages. Kanika Chawla , Director & Chief of Staff, Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) , Chandrasekar Govindarajalu , Practice Manager, Energy Sector Management Assistance ESMAP - Energy Sector Management Assistance Program , Catherine Stewart , Ambassador for Climate Change, Government of Canada , Alex Wachira , Principal Secretary, State Department for Energy, Republic of Kenya, and Hannah Kabir , CEO, Creeds Energy shed light on the steps that need to be taken in terms of policy design and energy planning in order to achieve a just and equitable energy transition. They stressed that next to looking at gender discrimination, one simultaneously needs to consider other discriminations, for instance based on regions, backgrounds and to avoid combating one form of discrimination at the expense of another. Also, the panel touched upon the role of privileged groups in reshaping the structures that perpetuate discrimination and the concept of allyship. The recording of that discussion is now available on YouTube.?

Women’s Lunch – Empowering Women for the Energy Transition

Gathering around 300 women, the BETD women’s lunch, organized in collaboration with the GWNET: Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition , powerfully demonstrated how gender equality in the energy sector advanced over the last years! Offering a space for women from around the globe to connect and share their experiences and aspirations for a just and inclusive energy transition, this networking event surely laid the ground for further gender action towards tripling renewables. Also, our Women Energize Women representatives were present forging new collaborations.

Cooperation Dialogue – Powering Progress in the Energy Transition: Women’s Role on Green Jobs and Technological Innovation

Concluding the remarkable gender events at the BETD, the Cooperation Dialogues – a Forum for Energy and Climate Partnerships at the House of the Federal Press Conference – featured a panel discussion on women’s role in green jobs and technical innovation, kicked-off with keynotes by Ambassador Ilham I.M. Ahmed from the Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan and Sedef Budak (she/her) , Founder and Chair of Green Collar Women’s Association. Constanza Correa Sarmiento , Integrated Expert AWE for Education and Strategic Development, Cámara Colombo-Alemana | AHK Colombia , Pia Dorfinger , Director of Digital Technologies and Start-up Ecosystem, Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) , Ndiarka M. , Founder and CEO of Kowry Energy Services and Dr Alexandra Stein , European Hydrogen Envoy at The Scottish Government explored insights and initiatives to increase gender equality in the energy sector. Throughout the discussion, moderated by Ellen von Zitzewitz, our Women Energize Women representative from BMWK, themes of early education, mentorship, and inclusivity emerged as critical components. By combining initiatives like targeted training, flexible work arrangements, and financial support with a holistic approach, the speakers highlighted the potential for transformative change in creating a diverse and innovative workforce.

Energized to continue with our mission!

The ubiquity of the topic and the number of gender events at the BETD show that we have already moved a big step forward; awareness on gender inequalities in the energy sector is established – now we need to put theory into practice! Let’s make use of the newly forged connections, the innovative ideas gathered, the best practice examples exchanged, and make the energy transition a just one!


Author: Women Energize Women editorial team / Anna Paul


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