Leadership is essentially about leading change, yet most of the models we use to explain how change works, and how to get better at leading change, are overly simplistic, unhelpful to leaders working amidst complexity and uncertainty.
We tend to talk about change leadership in terms of skills, but more important is mindset - how we think. Many organisations privilege the intelligence of a leader, as determined by IQ, but intelligence isn't enough. It's about the way we think about the world and subsequently behave in the world.
We can share every model and framework we like with our leaders, but the message received may not be the message intended. How people relate to the models and frameworks we share depends on how we think.
In these three articles we will:
In this first article we invite you to watch four short videos and read one reading - total 25 minutes. If you're in a hurry, then skim through the first video and reduce your video watching/reading time to less then 10 minutes.
Elizabeth Edgar Dave Tams MSc, PCC Stuart Jenner Mark Rosenberg Caterina Embersic - Dunne Adam Smith, MBA, PCC Jo Hood Dr Sarah Hill Helen Lenehan Rebecca McDermott Raechel Gavin Rachel Russell Victoria Doherty Vanessa Wiltshire Kimberly Boland, B. Psychology, MBA, GAICD Jenni Monkiewicz ? David Jakes Karen Hailwood Dr Catherine See Mandy Walter Jacqui Vargha Katherine Zangari Laurence CRUSSOL Kimberley Dawe Soula Ausling Steve Jones Deborah Yates Jane Wayland Dr. Stephane Verhaeghe MD Richard Boele Steve Jackson Michelle Scott Wesley Tobin Jennifer Garvey Berger Padraig (Pod) O'Sullivan Dr Suzi Skinner Emma Hodgson Doug Grant Gina McCredie Kaj Hellbom Dr. Raija Salomaa