Leading Better: Pulling Back The Curtain On The Online Business Space.
We need to pull the curtain back on the online business space.
We live in a society where we put blue checks, and follower count on a pedestal.
We measure success based on *other people's measuring sticks* not our own.
We believe that because someone has made it to 'the top of the mountain' they can do no harm.
All of that is a lie.
You know what I am craving MOST from this industry? Leadership. True, authentic, leadership.
I often challenge our community to consider the power we possess. Not look at the 2 or 3 digit number above the word 'follower' and sulk, but instead to recognize the power + responsibility you have in hearts & minds of those who *choose* to be a part of your world.
As your business grows, so does your responsibility. Why? Because you don't grow, and scale a business on your own. It take hands, hearts and, minds to do so. And, as that unfolds so does the importance of leadership, accountability, and transparency.
As white women, we have everyday privileges so many do not, one comes in the form of, the device we hold in our hands everyday. Our platforms act as a microphone to amplify words, beliefs, and actions.
That's why it's so important to take a stance on what you believe in. You have INFLUENCE, no matter the size of your audience or bank account, what you do, what you say say, and how you run your business...matters.
Our platforms are a privilege, it's up to as, as leaders, to create safe, welcoming, inclusive environments. No one is asking us to be perfect, in fact, mistakes are inevitable. Leaning into leadership, means accepting responsibility, and accepting responsibility means holding ourselves, and each other accountable for our actions.
Let's reinvent what it means to truly lead in the online business space. You with me?
Join the conversation over on Instagram.