Leadfree brass - is there any solution?
Anyone who already dealt with leadfree brass knows what to expect.
The others will enjoy the challenge!
Thanks to its good electrical conductivity combined with mechanical stability and corrosion resistance, brass is widely used. Reducing the lead percentage in the existing alloys is significantly impairing their machinability, confronting the manufacturers to new challenges. The lead in the brass alloys ensured good chip breakage and had a slight lubricating effect. Friction was reduced, resulting in lower heat generation in the machining process. If missing, the machinability deteriorates decisively and process reliability decreases significantly.
The formation of long flow and tangling chips, which hinder the automatic manufacturing process and strongly reduce the process reliability, as well as the increased tool wear are the biggest problems. Although chip breaking might be improved by adjusting the cutting parameters, component of small dimensions set limits related to machine capabilities.
One thing is clear. More and more manufacturers will soon face the challenge of machining lead-free brass. This important alloy element is progressively banned by new regulations (EU Drinking Water Directive 98/83-EC, ELV Directive 2000/53/EC, RoHS and other directives). Well-known Swiss watch manufacturers already decided to consistently switch to lead-free copper alloys.
Do operators really have to learn to deal with workpiece damages, galling & wear on the cutting edges, tool breakages and malfunctions in the chip conveyors?
Last moment to find a solution!
The optimization of the tool geometry is therefore the most promising way to achieve a long service life in conjunction with short chips and high efficiency.
Countless test results provided Ifanger with new insights. The new tool geometry developed together with users and institutes ensures short chips and industry-standard service life.?
There is no way out! ..but a successful change is possible!
If you want to spare yourself a lot of time to seek for some solution...
The Ifanger team is eager to help you
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