Leadership: Are you feeling Locked Up or Liberated?
The Brain eBunch, 2023

Leadership: Are you feeling Locked Up or Liberated?

As an ambitious entrepreneur you know that in order to grow your business, you will need to invest in growing your team. But growing your team, means that you need to become the leader of your team.

As a leader, you may be experiencing some of these challenges:

  • You delegate a task and it comes back not done according to your expectations, or it's not done on time, or worse it's not done at all.
  • You know you need to hire a new team member, but you're nervous about the responsibility that places on you. This person and their family will depend on you and your company for their income.
  • You've given a team member feedback on a performance issue, and you see no change in performance after your discussion.
  • Sometimes communication you see your team members send out, makes you shudder. You question whether they really get the vision of your company, whether they really stand by the mission and understand how to live your company values.
  • You just don't like this leadership thing. You've may have not had any formal training or any previous experience being a leader, so a lot of the time you are questioning whether you are on the right path.

When you have a team that is not performing at the right level, you may be left feeling like your business is holding you hostage.

  • Because you're the person scrambling to redo the work to meet the deadline promised to the client, when a team member misses the brief.
  • You're the person feeling frustrated when key metrics aren't improving, even after you have provided feedback.
  • It's your reputation on the line when team members communicate with clients in a way that is not aligned to your company values.

Far too often, situations like these, leave entrepreneurs feeling like they are never able to enjoy the freedom they are working so hard to create in their lives.

But, the reality is that the common denominator in all of these situations is YOU.

You, as the leader, have the power to unlock the performance of your team so that they can operate independently, giving you the space you need and deserve.

So, how can you claim your liberation? Build a high performing team.

Hi, I'm Sheree!

I’m an entrepreneur, a strategist and an Education, Training and Development expert.

I have spent the last 17+ years of my career leading teams and developing corporate leaders at all levels. I’ve experienced the leadership challenges that you face, first hand, and I know how to help you get through it.

Sheree Comninellis, 2022

Why have I started 'Lead with Sheree'?

Since building my incredible team at Brain eBox, I’ve taken the time to reflect, and I’ve realised that leading people and unlocking performance is my zone of genius.

Back in my corporate days, I was often asked to lead teams where performance was a challenge, or I was given new and exciting strategic projects to implement.

I love a challenge, and after a few months in each role, my seniors would notice the shift in performance of the team I was leading, or marvel at how projects they had been sitting on for ages, were suddenly getting off the ground.

Similarly in my entrepreneurial career, I’ve often supported business friends with advice on their hiring, onboarding or employee performance challenges.

And throughout my career, then to now, I’ve observed how my leadership strategies drive performance and secure business results, all while boosting employee engagement and morale.

It’s something I am really good at, and I also know that these are skills you can learn too. This is why Lead with Sheree was born.

I am excited to support entrepreneurs, from all over the world, to learn to lead effectively so that they can unlock performance and grow their businesses. AND, have the space to reap the rewards of their hard work, safe in the knowledge that their team is operating independently and effectively in their absence.

What to expect from this newsletter

Thank you for reading our first edition of the 'Leading for Liberation' newsletter. I'll be sharing this newsletter on a weekly basis.

My goal is to help empower you as an entrepreneur to unlock your team's performance and boost your business' growth by sharing my actionable tips on how to lead your team effectively.

I want you to shed the shackles and instead enjoy the peace of mind and freedom that having a high performing team gives you.

Connect with us

To stay in touch, subscribe to this newsletter and follow our page: https://www.dhirubhai.net/company/lead-with-sheree, or follow us on Instagram @lead_withsheree.

If you have any questions you would like me to address in future posts or newsletters, please comment below or send me a DM. And if you can relate to what I've shared in this newsletter, please let me know in the comments too.

I'm looking forward to supporting you on your leadership journey.


