Leadership is About "We", Not "I"

Leadership is About "We", Not "I"

Every now and then I hear a leader boast, "I created a multi-million revenue generating product for my company." Such a statement makes me wonder if this person worked alone on the project. Authentic leadership isn't about self-promotion but recognizing the collective effort.

Behind every successful software product lies a dedicated team. Engineers, analysts, testers, designers, sales, and marketing professionals all contribute. A good leader acknowledges this using "we" instead of "I." They say, "We built" and "We delivered," not "I built" or "I delivered."

Though the leaders receive the spotlight, it's their responsibility to elevate their team, not overshadow them. To me, leadership is about connecting, engaging, and inspiring the team rather than seeking personal glory. Effective communication focuses on what matters to the team, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated.

Leaders who emphasize "me, myself, and I" show weakness and hinder their growth. By shifting the focus to "we," they can foster a more collaborative and productive team environment, ultimately leading to greater success for the entire organization.

As Joel Schwartzberg writes , leaders should focus on "we," not "I," to build stronger connections and inspire their teams.


