Leadership: Be Virtuous
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Leadership: Be Virtuous

Virtue is behavior showing high moral standards. It is conformity to a standard of right. It bespeaks of moral excellence. A virtuous person is one who conforms to standards acceptable in most cultures as right and tries as much as is humanly possible to demonstrate moral excellence in his or her life.

Being virtuous means conforming to moral and ethical principles; morally excellent; upright. One having good moral qualities and behavior is also said to be virtuous. Qualities like hard work, politeness, goodness, kindness, patience and many others demonstrate that one may be virtuous.

Morally excellent people have a character made-up of?virtues?valued as good. They are honest, respectful, courageous, forgiving, and kind, for example. They do the right thing, and don’t bend to impulses, urges or desires, but act according to values and principles.?Virtues need to be cultivated regularly. One has to constantly work on them to have them in his or her life.

Ways a Leader may use to cultivate virtues in daily life

  • Discipline?enables a person to achieve the goal of running a 25-mile race, creating better health.
  • Kindness?towards someone who is having a bad day can make him or her smile and build rapport.
  • Creativity?can result in an idea that changes how people relate to one another such as social media.
  • Trust?in a relationship fosters dependability and intimacy, creating valuable,?meaningful relationships.
  • Gratitude?in a job loss can shift our focus from feeling low to how we can?have a new, more fulfilling career.
  • Service?to others can change lives, better neighborhoods and create stronger nations.

Benefits of being a Virtuous Leader


You will be trusted by many; at Home, at Work, within the community and within your Faith group .


You will become a reliable person. An asset in any setting. People will count on you.


You will be sought after for advice. People will look to you for guidance.


As a leader, people will come to you for help and be willing to help you should need arise.


You will be looked at for inspiration. People will believe what you say and take your word as a guide for daily living.


You will become a person of good repute. People will want to associate with you and be around you always.

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