Leadership update, September 2023: Learning in the flow of work
The term Learning in the flow of work
At LIW we design our programs following the Design for Impact D4I? methodology. This ensures that we align learning with business objectives
Below is a summary of other leadership thinkers and the way they approach LIFW
Read: eBook: Manadatory Mindset Shifts: Designing Journeys for the Modern Learner (gpstrategies.com)
GPStrategies propose turning the learning methodology on its head – instead of top down mandated learning at a time and place defined by others – provide in the moment learning driven by individual or business need. Create individual learner journeys that align to adult learning theory, without? creating cognitive overload and instead provide support in the flow of work – just when it’s needed.
LinkedIn Learnings workplace learning report 2023 identified four focus areas for L&D – and two of these are aligning learning to business goals and creating a culture of learning
As far back as 2018 LinkedIn Learning identified that 49% of employees prefer to learn at the point of need and 58% want to learn at their own pace. These results combined with their observation of a ‘short shelf life for skills’ point to learning in the flow of work as an effective tool for engagement and retention.
Valamis define two types of learning – timely relevant learning
Omniplex observe that learning in the flow of work provides employees with the content and information needed to perform their tasks – at the time of need. At its best it doesn’t feel like learning at all and it doesn’t disrupt their day. They identify three priorities for implementation: ?make the learning available on demand, create bite-size microlearning