Leadership Training Mistakes Companies and Organisations Must Address to End The Global Leadership Crisis.
Environmental Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)
?Professional Speaker?Consultant, Trainer and Teacher in Strategy, Planning, Performance, Problem-Solving & Solutions?H2O?Waste?Climate, Pollution, Environment ?SDGs ?Leadership?Entrepreneurship/Busimness/Marketing/Sales
Let me repeat again. I agree with the World Economic Forum's assertion that we have a serious and growing global leadership crisis. This leadership crisis is at the core of the world's failure to solve the worsening global environmental and socio-economic challenges the world is facing.
?When we say a leadership crisis we mean a big disparity between #leadership power and authority and leadership competence. Many scholars, researchers, academics, thinkers and philosophers on leadership have provided details of the crisis, its impacts, its causes and how it can be addressed. Sadly, those who are supposed to pay heed to these warnings and advice are not paying attention either because they have no capacity to listen or they do not fully appreciate the importance of paying attention to leadership.
?Traditional attempts to improve leadership effectiveness through traditional leadership training have failure rates as high as 80 percent, suggesting that billions of United States Dollars being invested in leadership "training" are going to waste. There at least eleven reasons why traditional leadership "training" has very little if any impact on leadership performance.
Two of the eleven major causes of low impact of traditional leadership training include the poor definition and interpretation of training. For example, most of what people call "training" in the corporate and education worlds is not training but teaching. So most people who attend leadership training programs and causes do not get training but teaching. Having general leadership knowledge is important for sure, but it is only one element of seven that contribute to effective leadership.
?Second, most training programs treat leadership in a very generic way when leadership has many dimensions and contexts. Leadership contexts include political leadership, business leadership, organisational leadership, thought leadership, team leadership, economic leadership, government leadership, religious leadership, national leadership, global leadership and others. These different contexts have their own unique leadership requirements in addition to the general leadership imperatives. Very few leadership “training” courses take this into account.
?Last, most leadership training courses are too theoretical and too limited in scope. They do not include all the key requirements that lead to leadership effectiveness.
?Addressing leadership training inadequacies is a critical step in addressing the global leadership crisis that we are facing.
?[email protected] +263-77-444-74-48
??Simon Bere, 2024