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There are so many styles and types of leadership, such as Critical Leadership, Consultation Leadership, Participative Leadership, Authoritative Leadership, Autocratic Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Bureaucratic Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Servant Leadership, Innovative Leadership, Visionary Leadership, Pacesetter Leadership, Motivational Leadership, Affiliative Leadership, Charismatic Leadership, Inspirational Leadership, etc.

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There is always a challenge that which one is the best leadership style (or blend of styles) that is best suitable in the current VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world.

Considering this requirement, I have identified 4 types of Leadership Styles, which are most important and appropriate for the situation of the current VUCA world.

I have named these 4 types of Leadership Styles as “Leadership TIPS”, where “TIPS” is the abbreviation derived from the initial letters of these 4 Leadership styles.

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■ The enterprise environment is dynamic. The primary objective of every enterprise is to operate with efficiency and remain profitable.

■ However, this is not possible without a great leader who can transform an organization, inspires employees, participate in the planning and execution of organizational strategy, and align business activities with organizational goals by serving its diversified stakeholders.

■ Effective leadership is the characteristic of a successful organization. It doesn’t matter what kind of product or services an organization offers—without effective leadership, it’s certain to fail.

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■ There are many styles and types of leadership, such as Critical Leadership, Consultation Leadership, Participative Leadership, Authoritative Leadership, Autocratic Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Bureaucratic Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Servant Leadership, Innovative Leadership, Visionary Leadership, Pacesetter Leadership, Motivational Leadership, Affiliative Leadership, Charismatic Leadership, Inspirational Leadership, etc.

■ Although there are so many leadership styles that exist, we cannot apply these all simultaneously or in every kind of situation.

■ We must apply a specific leadership style or blend of multiple leadership styles as per the nature, environment, and objectives of the Business.

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■ There is always a challenge that which one is the best leadership style (or blend of styles) that is best suitable in the current VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world.

■ Considering this requirement, I have identified 4 types of Leadership Styles, which are most important and appropriate for the situation of the current VUCA world.

■ I have named these 4 types of Leadership Styles “Leadership TIPS”, where “TIPS” is the abbreviation derived from the initial letters of these 4 Leadership styles.

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■ Leadership always remains a key topic of discussion in diversified areas & is elaborated with different points of view.

■ Among these different points of view, I have tried to explain leadership?in its dimensions and capabilities perspective.

■ Again there could be a multitude of dimensions of Leadership associated with numerous capabilities.

■ But here we can prioritize 3 important dimensions and 4 capabilities associated with each dimension.

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■ Thought is the seed of any act, hence comes the 1st in Leadership & Strategy. This dimension emphasizes on vision, mission, and direction of an organization as a whole.

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■ 1.1 ?See the big picture

■ 1.2 ?Accept the challenge

■ 1.3 ?Seize opportunities

■ 1.4 ?Drive the team

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■ This leadership dimension has focused on Organizational Culture, Structure, and Behaviour. Its emphasis is on Process, workflow, and delivery of results from an organization.

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■ 2.1 ?Simplify Process

■ 2.2 ?Organize Team

■ 2.3 ?Push for Excellence

■ 2.4 ?Get Results

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■ People Leadership is an emphasis on individuals to reflect these unique capabilities to achieve the organization's objectives.

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■ 3.1 ?Lead by Example

■ 3.2 ?Generate Energy

■ 3.3 ?Communicate Clear

■ 3.4 ?Qualify Every Day

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■ Moving forward with reference to Industry 4.0, is?Transformational Leadership, which is the most appropriate form of leadership to execute an Industry 4.0 Digital Transformation Program.

■ Transformational leadership is a theory of leadership where a leader works with teams, to identify the needed change, creating a vision to guide the change through influence, inspiration, and executing the change.

■ Transformational leadership serves to enhance the performance of the team through Inspirational motivation. Inspirational motivation is the key attribute of Transformational Leadership.

■ Inspirational motivation is when the leader inspires their followers to achieve. This leader sets high and reasonable goals for their followers and their organization.

■ They inspire commitment and they create a shared vision for their organization. Leaders that utilize inspirational motivation are able to communicate their expectations clearly. Inspirational motivation is closely tied to Operational Excellence.

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■ An inspired and motivated person can achieve anything, whereas an uninspired and demotivated person is hardly able to achieve anything.

■ When people are not just involved, but inspired, that’s when companies see real developments.

■ Inspired people are themselves far more productive and, in turn, inspire others around them to achieve a new altitude of success.

■ In line with typical leadership qualities, anyone can become an inspiring leader, but it’s surely not something that will come easily to everyone.

■ Team Members of any experience level can practice inspirational leadership, whether they are executives or entry-level employees. Inspirational leaders offer their team members an opportunity to inspire each other.

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■ The key to inspirational leadership is awareness – both self-awareness and awareness of those around us.

■ We cannot inspire others unless we first inspire ourselves, which means understanding what it is that inspires me and utilizing this as a spark to inspire others around us and in our team.

■ Successful leaders inspire actions that happen only when all the team members opt to move in the same direction.

■ Without a leader, movements are distracted in diversified directions and reach nowhere. A leader's job is to inspire the team members to work together for a cause, that is something greater than themselves.

■ Inspirational leaders are those who use their unique blend of strengths to inspire individuals and teams to take on courageous assignments – and hold them accountable for outcomes. Inspirational leaders achieve greater performance through empowerment, not by command and control.

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■ The quality of leadership within a business or organization is often a crucial factor in its success story.

■ However, many team members give a certain level of regard and respect to a leader due to their status and position in the company, but just carrying a leadership title does not ensure that we will lead our team successfully.

■ The greatest leaders aim to inspire their team for personal and professional success and establish a culture of inspiration and motivation in their place of work.

■ The capability to inspire is one of the critical leadership competencies that differentiates great leaders from ordinary ones.

■ Even though there are many excellent executives, there are only a few leaders who are talented to inspire their team members.

■ An inspirational leader can implement various styles of leadership depending on the situation, without losing the inspirational characteristic of their style.

■ It is about using the right techniques at the right time and considering the motivation factors of our assignment and team members.

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■ Participative leadership is an excellent style for leaders concerned with entire-team participation in the decision-making process and executing a plan.

■ In participative leadership practice, team members feel engaged in the decision-making process when they have a participative leader.

■ Participative Leadership is also known as Democratic Leadership which is totally opposite to Autocratic Leadership where all decisions are decided by the leader.

■ In participative leadership, the leader empowers their team members and engages them in the decision-making process.

■ Participative leadership belongs to leaders who utilize a democratic approach to team engagement and management.

■ Participative leaders offer team members a chance to communicate their creativity by coming up with ideas to deal with a situation.

■ The participative leadership decision-making process can go by various practices, but the key element is collective input aligned with a shared vision from all members of the team members.

■ Participative leadership is the practice of engaging in a team-based democratic approach to progress a business.

■ This practice allows for a scope of collective and collaborative decision-making, which boosts the competence and capabilities of the entire team.

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■ Although participative leadership comes in several styles and characteristics, however, there is a general pattern that reflects in these several styles:

■ 1. The leader facilitates the conversation.

■ 2. The leader publicly shares information required for decision-making.

■ 3. The leader encourages team members to share their ideas and feedback.

■ 4. The leader integrates all the available information, ideas & feedback advised by the team.

■ 5. The leader concludes with the best feasible solution and communicates it back to the team.

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■ The benefits of participative leadership are countless.

■ Participative leadership practice leaders can drive their team in the right direction to achieve organizational goals.

■ In Participative leadership, team members feel valued and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the team objectives.

■ Participative leaders can motivate and inspire their team members and take out better performances from them.

■ This leadership style facilitates accomplishing the company's goals efficiently and effectively.

■ However, the participation leadership practice has a few weaknesses as well.

■ If roles within the group are unclear, participative leadership can lead to communication failures.

■ If the team is not skilled in the area in which they’re making decisions, poor decisions could be the result.

■ This style can be time-consuming and it may not work with inexperienced teams.

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■ Servant leadership is a mindset that reflects a servant-first mentality rather than a leader-first mentality.

■ Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy in which the goal of the leader is to serve. This is different from traditional leadership where the leader's focus is the thriving of their organization.

■ A servant leader shares power puts the needs of the employees first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. Instead of the people working to serve the leader, the leader exists to serve the people.

■ As stated by its founder, Robert K. Greenleaf, a Servant Leader should be focused on, "Do those served to grow as persons? Do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants?"

■ When leaders shift their mindset and serve first, they benefit as well as their employees in that their employees acquire personal growth, while the organization grows as well due to the employee’s growing commitment and engagement.

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■ Robert K. Greenleaf first popularized the phrase "servant leadership" in "The Servant as Leader", an essay published in 1970.

■ In this essay, Greenleaf explains how and why he came up with the idea of servant leadership, as well as defines a servant leader. The most important characteristic in being a servant leader, according to Greenleaf, is making one's main priority to serve rather than to lead.

■ Greenleaf proposed that servant leaders should serve first, make the needs of others their main priority, and find success and "power" in the growth of others; summarily, "A servant can only become a leader if a leader remains a servant".

■ These traits indicate one is a servant leader because, overall, they are causing the ones they serve to become healthier and wiser, guiding others toward self-improvement. Eventually, the served are driven to possess the traits of a servant leader as well, continuing the spread of the leadership style.

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■ Greenleaf believed the betterment of others to be the true intention of a servant leader: "I serve" in opposition to the traditional "I lead" mentality.

■ The "I serve" mentality is evident in politicians who define their role through public service. From the "I serve" mentality come two arguments: I serve because I am the leader, and I am the leader because I serve.

■ The first argument signifies the act of selflessness. Greenleaf declares that servant leadership begins with the natural feeling of wanting to serve first. The second argument of servant leadership begins with a rooted ambition to be a leader.

■ In simpler terms, servant leaders should seek to be servants first, to care for the needs of all others around them, and to ensure the growth of future leaders.

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A knowledge artifact by -?KULDEEP KAUSHIK

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