Leadership Enigma! 0.3
Cias Ferreira
I serve leaders in creating customer-focused companies that increases employee engagement and customer inspiration. I serve professionals in their path to mastery to excel in their own unique style of artistry.
Are we trying to play it safe just because we like certainty and comfort? I remember early on in my leadership, I tried to play it safe, downplaying my own contribution to the companies I worked in. Not just because I tried to be humble, but because I honestly struggled to acknowledge my unique contribution and skills set. I tried to play it safe. Why? Because I knew the moment I acknowledge my skill set, I would need to take the responsibility and enter the risky unknown that where I put all on the line.
In the brilliant book by Ronal Heifetz and Marty Linsky, Leadership on the line, the authors acknowledge that "To lead is to live dangerously. It requires putting yourself on the line, disturbing the status quo, and surfacing hidden conflict. And when people resist and push back, there's a strong temptation to play it safe."
I don't know about you, but sometimes it is just relaxing to play it safe. But what do we gain from playing it safe? Is this not maybe a reason why we shove leadership to the side sometimes? We just want to take a break. We just want to have time for ourselves and not have to take responsibility for others. Just a moment to chill.
Are you always excited to live the dangerous life of leadership?
Have you ever felt the strong temptation to play it safe?